Manage a project

Researchers are required to manage their projects in accordance with the specific funding rules and agreement provided by the funding body.

ARC funding

Please visit the ARC website for final report templates. Progress reporting is now included in the annual ARC EOY process; lead CI's for Deakin-led ARC projects will be contacted in December regarding this.

Carry forward

Deakin Research Grants will contact you in December regarding carry forward of funds for Deakin-led ARC projects.

External organisations receiving ARC funds from Deakin University are required to provide a Financial Acquittal to Deakin as part of the ARC end of year (EOY) process. Please download the Financial Acquittal Template (above) for the previous calendar year. These must be returned to Deakin Research Grants Office ( by the first week of February.

NHMRC funding

Progress reports

NHMRC requires that all Chief Investigators and Fellows update their RGMS CV on an annual basis by the end of June each year. Outputs and outcomes should be linked to the relevant NHMRC APPID.

CIAs will be required to submit an internal progress report in March of each year of their NHMRC funding. Deakin Research - Grants will issue the report template to each CIA. Reports are to be submitted to

Final reports

NHMRC requires a Final Report to be completed within six months of completion of the Funding Period or termination of the award. The report includes:

  • the completion of Final Report - Achievements and Expected Future Outcomes Summary within RGMS; and
  • updating the RGMS CV by linking the relevant research outputs and outcomes to the grant

Chief Investigators and Fellows are encouraged to keep their RGMS CV up-to-date even after the Final Report is submitted. This enables NHMRC to evaluate long-term scientific, health and economic impacts of funded research. Grant applicants can also use this information to demonstrate research outcomes from their previously held NHMRC grants.

CIAs are expected to complete their final report on RGMS at least two weeks prior to the NHMRC deadline. Please notify Deakin Research - Grants of completion by sending an email to

Financial reports

All Participating Institutions that received NHMRC funds distributed by Deakin University must submit annual financial statements to by 28 February. An additional financial acquittal statement may also be required at the end of the funding period.

NHMRC_DU Financial Statement template (XLSX, 23.5 KB)

Approval for overseas travel

NHMRC released guidelines in 2012 on use of NHMRC funding for travel, conferences, and publication costs.

It is a NHMRC requirement that in order to use NHMRC funding to pay for overseas travel, this travel must be formally approved and documented by the Faculty Research Committee prior to the travel being undertaken. In order to obtain such approval, all NHMRC grant recipients must complete and submit an NHMRC Overseas Travel form (DOC, 80.5KB) to at least two months prior to travel. We will then forward to the relevant faculty committee for approval.


  • It applies to all overseas travel.
  • Travel must be directly related to the approved research objectives for the NHMRC grant. Conference travel must be for the purpose of presenting the outcomes of the research funded. Any overseas travel expenditure without approval will be removed from the NHMRC grant account.

Other funding

Please send copies of progress and final reports to

Carry forward

The university has policies which determine when unspent funds can be moved from one year to the next. Generally this practice is prohibited but there are some exceptions; refer to the financial guidelines. 

To enquire whether the carry forward of funds is possible for your specific project, contact your Senior Grants Officer, who will  check whether the funding body will allow a carry forward. If a carry forward is possible you should contact your School Finance Manager or Faculty Business Infrastructure Manager to help you complete and lodge the relevant form.