Fees estimator

Use our fee estimator to calculate your course fees and make an informed decision about investing in your future. You’ve worked hard to get here; don’t let fees hold you back from achieving your goals.

How to estimate your course fees

Your Deakin tuition fees depend on the type of student you are, the course you study and the year you commence. Follow these steps to estimate your course fees:

  1. Select an option in each field. Your selections should reflect the study options you're considering.
  2. Select a course by typing the course name or code. Then select from the drop-down list.

The fee estimator should be used as a guide only. You can also estimate individual unit fees.

How to estimate a single unit

If you're a full fee-paying student or interested in applying to study a single unit at Deakin, you can estimate your fees via this tool.

Estimate unit fees

Contact us

We're here to support you. If you have a question about fees or study-related costs, contact us by phone or email.

Domestic students
1800 693 888
Enquire online

International students
+61 3 9918 9188
Ask a question