Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)

2013 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2013 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current.

Offered at Melbourne Burwood Campus, Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus, Off campus

Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code034356B
Deakin course codeA326


(i) Current course version for students commencing from 2000 to 2011.

(ii) Students commencing from 2012 to refer to A326 Bachelor of International Studies handbook course entry.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

The Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) is a course for students seeking an international orientation, with a commitment to a period of study at an overseas university, internship at an international organisation or participation in an in-country language program.


You will learn a range of skills in analysis and interpretation of the international forces shaping government, business and community life in contemporary Australia. You will also develop a systematic understanding of other countries and societies, as well as cross-cultural competencies, through an internationally oriented curriculum.

You can study major sequences in areas of Anthropology, Arabic, Chinese, History, Indonesian, International Relations, Middle East Studies, Politics and Policy Studies, Philosophy and Sociology.


As part of the course you are required to successfully take part in one of the following international study experiences:

  • trimester of study at an overseas university exchange partner
  • international internship
  • in-country language program (in Chinese, Indonesian or Arabic)
  • approved study abroad program or
  • approved onshore internship with an international organisation.

Transition to University study
The faculty offers two units ASC160 Introduction to University Study and ALW117 Writing for Professional Practice which are specifically designed to ease the transition into university study. New students are encouraged to enrol in one or both of these units in their first year.

Fees and charges

Unit fees can be viewed within individual unit descriptions. You can search for a unit using the Unit Search.


Please be aware:

  • Fees are calculated on a per unit basis
  • Fees charged will depend on the individual units chosen
  • Fees per unit/credit point may increase annually due to rises in the cost of course delivery and services

Course rules

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Arts (International Studies), a student must successfully complete 24 credit points of study including a major or a sub-major in international relations, an international study experience, and other requirements as follows.


For students commencing before 2011:


  • AIS201Unit description is currently unavailable
  • a major sequence of 8 credit points in international relations;
  • a sub-major of 4 credit points selected from the major sequences listed; and
  • an approved international study experience (2 or 4 credit points) 


  • a sub-major of 4 credit points in international relations;
  • a major sequence of 8 credit points selected from the major sequences listed below; and
  • an approved international study experience (2 or 4 credit points)

 *The unit AIS201 International Studies @ Work commenced in 2011. It is a highly recommended unit for students who commenced in the course prior to 2011. It is a core unit for students who commenced from 2011.



For students commencing from 2011:


  • AIS201Unit description is currently unavailable
  • a major or sub-major in international relations;
  • an international study experience, and

in addition to the core unit these requirements may involve:

  • a major sequence of 8 credit points in international relations;
  • a sub-major of 4 credit points selected from the major sequences listed; and
  • an approved international study experience (2 or 4 credit points)



  • a sub-major of 4 credit points in international relations;
  • a major sequence of 8 credit points selected from the major sequences listed below; and
  • an approved international study experience (2 or 4 credit points) 


(i) Students commencing from 2012 to refer to A326 Bachelor of International Studies handbook course entry.


(ii) A major is a group of related units amounting to eight credit points, from a recognised major sequence.


(iii) A sub-major is a group of related units taken over two levels, amounting to four credit points, from a recognised major sequence.

Major sequences

Not all sequences are offered at all campuses or off campus, so please check unit availability carefully.

Anthropology (G,X)*
Arabic (B, G, X)
Chinese (B, G)
History (B, G, X)*
Indonesian (B, G, X)
International Relations (B, G, X)

Language and Culture Studies (B, G, X)
Middle East Studies (B, G, X)

Philosophy (B, G, X)*
Politics and Policy Studies (B, G, W, X)
Sociology (B, G, W, X)*


* For continuing students only

Course structure

International Relations major sequence

(unit set code MJ-A000018)

Students are required to complete either a major (8 credit points) or a sub-major (4 credit points) in International Relations from the units listed below.


Core units

Level 1
Trimester 1

AIR108Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR120Unit description is currently unavailable

Select a further 6 credit points, ensuring at least 2 credit points are undertaken at level 2 and 2 credit points at level 3 from the following:


Level 2
Trimester 1

AIE255Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR205Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR236Unit description is currently unavailable *

AIR245Unit description is currently unavailable

AIS201Unit description is currently unavailable


Trimester 2

AIR225Unit description is currently unavailable **

AIR234Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR243Unit description is currently unavailable

AIR244Unit description is currently unavailable



Level 3

Trimester 1

AIR347Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

AIR342Unit description is currently unavailable

* AIR236 is offered in the wholly online teaching mode only - there will be no face to face teaching). AIR236 also offered in trimester 3.

** AIR225 is not offered 2013, re-offered 2014.

Course structure

International Study Experience

Students are expected to take part successfully in one of the following international study experiences:

  • trimester of study at an overseas university exchange partner
  • international internship (AIS330 or AIS331)
  • in-country language program (in Chinese, Indonesian or Arabic)
  • approved study abroad program or
  • approved onshore internship with an international organisation (available for AIS330 only).

Students seeking to undertake an internship will enrol in the appropriate unit (either AIS330 or AIS331) once the Unit Chair has approved their planned placement.


Trimester 1 or trimester 2 or trimester 3

AIS330Unit description is currently unavailable (2 credit points)

AIS331Unit description is currently unavailable (4 credit points)

AIS330, AIS331 - Internship units are normally undertaken in third level (or equivalent) and are subject to completion of specified prerequisite units and special application requirements. Interested students should contact Arts and Education Student Support and Enrolment Enquiries on their campus for further information.

For further information regarding the in-country language programs, refer to the major sequences in Indonesian, Chinese and Arabic.

Course structure

Course structure

For students commencing from 2011:


Core unit

AIS201Unit description is currently unavailable


Note: Students enrolled in D323 and D338 courses who commenced their studies in 2011 or earlier are not required to undertake AIS201.  However, it is highly recommended for students who can accommodate the unit within their course structure.