Bachelor of Health and Physical Education

2014 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2014 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current.
Year2014 course information
Award granted Bachelor of Health and Physical Education
CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Cloud CampusNo
Duration4 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code073714F
Deakin course codeE377


(i) New course version commencing from 2011 at Burwood (Melbourne) and from 2013 at Waurn Ponds (Geelong).

(ii) Dance and Drama discipline sequences are offered Burwood (Melbourne) only.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Deakin's Bachelor of Health and Physical Education prepares you for a career in health and physical education teaching in upper primary and secondary schools. The course provides theory and practice in the study of education, discipline studies, curriculum studies and in the specialised teaching methods of health and physical education. In addition, you will study a second teaching method of your choice from a selected range of discipline studies offered by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment or the Faculty of Arts and Education.

You will participate in a highly rewarding professional experience program spending at least 80 days working in schools, with children and alongside experienced teachers.

Professional recognition

Approved by Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) as a preservice teaching qualification.

International students and permanent residents

Graduates of this course who are intending to apply for registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) will be required to demonstrate an IELTS of an average band score of 7.5 across all four skill areas where there is no score below 7 in any of the four skills areas and a score of no less than 8 in speaking and listening. You are advised to read the VIT's Qualification for Teachers Registration policy carefully which is available at: Further information

Contact Hours

For each unit of study students are expected to participate in at least three hours of formal contact each week of trimester. A minimum of six hours of study time in addition to the formal contact is also expected for each unit each week.

Course rules

The degree requires students to complete 32 credit points over the equivalent of four years of full-time study. Students are required to complete: 18 credit points of Education units (which include studies in education, physical and health education, curriculum methods, literacy and numeracy and professional experience); 14 credit points of discipline studies (which include exercise science, applied sports science and discipline content related to the additional teaching method). Additional teaching methods may be taken from a range of discipline areas including Biology, Chemistry, Dance, Drama, English, Mathematics and History.

The School of Education teaches 18 of the 32 credit points in this award; 10 credit points of exercise science discipline are taught by the Faculty of Health and 4 units (providing discipline content for the additional teaching method) are taught by the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment, along with other Schools in the Faculty of Arts and Education.

Additional Graduation requirements: Prior to graduation, students MUST have completed an Emergency First Aid Certificate (Level 2) and AUSTSWIM qualifications in order to satisfy VIT Specialist Area Physical Education requirements.

In order to satisfy the Victorian Institute of Teaching requirements for graduates to have good literacy and numeracy skills all students must successfully pass EXC425 Literacy and Numeracy in the Curriculum.

Detailed course rules

The Bachelor of Health and Physical Education may be awarded at pass level. To be awarded the Bachelor of Health and Physical Education pass degree a person shall:

1. be accepted for enrolment in a course of study leading to the award of a Bachelor Health and Physical Education pass degree and continue to be accepted for enrolment until completion of that course of study

2. complete a course of study amounting to 32 credit points provided that the course of study shall

2.1 include units amounting to 25 credit points from those units specified by Faculty Board from time to time as course-grouped units leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Health and Physical Education.

2.2 include units amounting to not less than 22 credit points at level 2 or higher, at least 6 credit points of which shall be taken at level 3 or higher, and at least 6 credit points of which shall be taken at level 4 or higher; and

2.3 include a major sequence of 6 units of professional education units amounting to not less than 6 credit points which include professional experience; and

2.4 include a major sequence of health and physical education studies of not less than 6 credit points; and

2.5 include a major sequence of no more than 8 credit points in a discipline area related to the curriculum method study of health and physical education; and

2.6 include a minor sequence of at least 4 credit points in an additional discipline area which is to be related to the secondary curriculum method studies undertaken as agreed with the Schools of Arts, and the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment; and

3.  Prior to graduation, students are required to supply a certified copy of their level 2 Emergency First Aid and AustSwim qualifications in order to satisfy VIT Specialist Area Physical Education.

4. The course of study shall be completed within a period of not less than four years and except with the permission of the Faculty Board not more than 10 consecutive years from the date the person first enrolled in the course.

5. The course of study shall include satisfactory completion of at least 80 days of supervised school experience. Students should note that four years of tertiary study inclusive of teacher education is required for employment as a teacher in Victoria.

Discipline sequences

Refer to the details of each discipline for availability.

Discipline sequences for additional teaching methods were developed in consultation with the relevant faculties and discipline coordinators. Students must meet any prerequisites required by the offering Faculty. Units offered have been selected to most appropriately support the curriculum methodology study units while maintaining flexibility and student choice. Sequences have been designed to meet the Victorian Institute of Teaching ‘Specialist Area Guidelines’ for secondary teachers.

Specialist area Guidelines for teachers can be found on the website of the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT)

Dance (Burwood (Melbourne) students only)
Drama (Burwood (Melbourne) students only)

English - Literature

English - Children's literature

Course structure

Level 1 

Trimester 1

HSE010Unit description is currently unavailable *

EPP101Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH101Unit description is currently unavailable

HBS109Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Second Method Discipline Study 1

* All seven HSE coded units in this course have a HSE010 prerequisite zero credit point hurdle task unit that is a laboratory preparation unit.

Trimester 2

EPP102Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH102Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE102Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Second Method Discipline Study 2

Level 2 (Commenced 2012 for Burwood (Melbourne) students.  Commencing 2014 for Waurn Ponds (Geelong) students.)

Trimester 1

EPP203Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE201Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE203Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Second Method Discipline Study 3

Trimester 2

EEH201Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE202Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE204Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Second Method Discipline Study 4

Level 3 (Commenced 2013 for Burwood (Melbourne) students. Commencing 2015 for Waurn Ponds (Geelong) students.)

Trimester 1

EPP304Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Curriculum Study 2A for 2nd teaching method

HSE311Unit description is currently unavailable

And one of:

HSN201Unit description is currently unavailable (last offered Trimester 1 2015)


HSN101Unit description is currently unavailable (also offered Trimester 3)

Trimester 2

EEH315Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE314Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH405Unit description is currently unavailable

Plus Curriculum Study 2B for 2nd teaching method

Level 4(Commencing 2014 for Burwood (Melbourne) students.  Commencing 2016 for Waurn Ponds (Geelong) students.)

Trimester 1

EPP305Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH455Unit description is currently unavailable

EXC425Unit description is currently unavailable

HSE301Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

EPP406Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH401Unit description is currently unavailable

EEH404Unit description is currently unavailable

ESH403Unit description is currently unavailable


(i) All seven HSE coded units in this course have a HSE010 prerequisite zero credit point hurdle task unit that is a laboratory preparation unit.

(ii) EEH404 commences from 2014 and is a core unit at Level 4.

Curriculum study method units


ESS444Unit description is currently unavailable

ESS467Unit description is currently unavailable


ESS444Unit description is currently unavailable

ESJ460Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: ESJ460 students to select Senior Chemistry: Curriculum specialism.

Dance OR Drama

ECA431Unit description is currently unavailable

ECA432Unit description is currently unavailable

English - Literature OR English -Children's Literature

ECL461Unit description is currently unavailable

ECL462Unit description is currently unavailable


ESM424Unit description is currently unavailable

ESM425Unit description is currently unavailable


ECS471Unit description is currently unavailable

ECS472Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of discipline sequences

Details of discipline sequences

Details of discipline sequences


SLE111Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE132Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE254Unit description is currently unavailable

Choose one unit from the following:
SLE203Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE234Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of discipline sequences

Dance - (Burwood (Melbourne) students only)

ACD101Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD102Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD203Unit description is currently unavailable

ACD204Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: ACD203, ACD204 prerequisites apply.

Details of discipline sequences

Drama - (Burwood (Melbourne) students only)

ACP101Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP177Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP279Unit description is currently unavailable

ACP280Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: ACP279 is a prerequisite of ACP280.

Details of discipline sequences


SIT192Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT291Unit description is currently unavailable


Students may select from:

SIT281Unit description is currently unavailable


SIT292Unit description is currently unavailable

For students who have not completed VCE Mathematical Methods 3 & 4:

SIT192Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT190Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE251Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT292Unit description is currently unavailable


SIT281Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of discipline sequences


Select 2 units from the following:

AIA105Unit description is currently unavailable

AIA106Unit description is currently unavailable (Commencing 2014.)

AIH107Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH108Unit description is currently unavailable

Select a further 2 units from the following:

AIH205Unit description is currently unavailable

AIH238Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of discipline sequences

English - Literature

ALL101Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL102Unit description is currently unavailable

Select 2 units from the following:

ALL201Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL202Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL260Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL274Unit description is currently unavailable

English - Children's literature

ALL153Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL154Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL228Unit description is currently unavailable

ALL230Unit description is currently unavailable