EEJ724 - Teaching for Pathways Into Tertiary Study

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2013 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current.
Enrolment modes:


Credit point(s):.75
EFTSL value: 0.094
Cohort rule:

(For students enrolled in course E690 or E760 only)

Unit chair:C Schulz
Corequisite:EEY705, EEY707
Incompatible with:

ECA551, ECJ411, ECL400, ELE501, ECJ724

Contact hours:

36 hours intensive workshops


Topics to be addressed in this unit include:

  • Curriculum standards and accreditation frameworks for teaching, assessing and reporting in VCE and/or VCE VET subjects for which you are appropriately qualified;
  • Analysis of curriculum content requirements for VCE and/or VCE VET subjects for which you are appropriately qualified;
  • Pedagogical strategies appropriate for working with young adults, including working with individual learning needs;
  • Identification and development of appropriate curriculum and teaching resources and materials relevant to the VCE subjects you are eligible to teach and suited to needs of a particular student group;
  • Opportunities and constraints on VCE and VCE VET teachers, and your pedagogical options;
  • Analysis of your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to the demands of teaching within the VCE, including VCE VET, and identification of ongoing professional opportunities; and
  • Using technology to support implementation, assessment and reporting for VCE and VCE VET subjects.


Task 1, Analysis of curriculum content and identification of applied learning opportunities, 50%, Analyse the curriculum content, knowledge and assessment requirements of two VCE / VCE VET sequences. Review the content of the sequences you have selected, and identify those areas / topics that provide opportunities for you to use applied learning teaching approaches. In presenting the results of your review, list the key topics and give a brief description of the possible applied learning approaches or projects you might use, 2000 words.


Task 2, Applied Learning Proposal, 50%, Select one area / topic that you identified as providing an opportunity to use applied learning teaching approaches. Prepare a detailed applied learning proposal for delivery of this area / topic. Present your proposal in the form of a 4-week teaching, learning and assessment plan. Develop a rubric with criteria for evaluation of your applied learning proposal. Present your proposal and rubric to your supervising teacher, mentor or study group for critical appraisal. Prepare a brief response to this feedback. Include the rubric, the feedback you received, and your response with your assignment submission, 2000 words

Prescribed texts

White, R & Wyn, J 2008, 2nd edition Youth and Society, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.

Unit Fee Information

Student Contribution Rate*Student Contribution Rate**Fee rate - Domestic Students Fee rate - International students

* Rate for all CSP students, except for those who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
** Rate for CSP students who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
Please note: Unit fees listed do not apply to Deakin Prime students.