Deakin-made doco walks with Walkley

Media release
08 December 2014
A ground-breaking documentary directed and co-written by Deakin University Associate Professor Danny Ben-Moshe has taken out the coveted Walkley Documentary Award at a ceremony in Sydney.

A ground-breaking documentary directed and co-written by Deakin University Associate Professor Danny Ben-Moshe has taken out the coveted Walkley Documentary Award at a star-studded ceremony in Sydney.

Associate Professor Ben-Moshe from Deakin's Centre for Citizenship and Globalisation  in Burwood and co-writer Dan Goldberg were in Darling Harbour on Thursday night to accept the Walkley for CCode of Silence a 56-minute documentary which aired on ABC'S Compass program in August.

Code of Silence is the story of a fight to have allegations of child sex abuse at an Orthodox Jewish boys' school in Melbourne investigated.

The film makers gained extraordinary access to some of the key players as the drama unfolded.

In nominating Code of Silence, The Walkley Foundation said:

Their use of interview and actuality to craft a gripping narrative was extremely powerful. As the case against the abusers continues to make news, the documentary was timely and ground breaking.

Associate Professor Ben-Moshe said it was a privilege to win the Walkley award for best documentary.

"Winning the Walkley was great, but it is an even greater privilege to be entrusted to tell intimate and sensitive stories," he said.

"Manny Waks went public with his story of sex abuse to raise the profile of this issue and help bring justice for the victims. I hope the recognition that the Walkley brings will help raise further awareness about this important and often hidden subject."

Deakin University Vice-Chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander said she was proud to see Deakin academics directing Walkley award-winning work.

"The Walkley Awards have been the pinnacle of achievement for this industry since 1956 and it's wonderful to see highly creative Deakin academics showing the world what they can do," she said.

Associate Professor Ben-Moshe said in the age of social media and reality television, the award is a timely reminder of the importance of documentaries.

"Meaningful observational documentaries still have an important place in the media landscape and broadcasters and programs such as the ABC and Compass are pivotal in providing this platform," he said.

Link: Code of Silence teaser

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Walkley Awards From left: Deakin University Associate Professor and Director Danny Ben-Moshe, ABC Compass Commissioning Editor Rose Hesp and Producer Dan Goldberg accept the Walkley Award for Code of Silence.

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