Youth conference to focus on access to further education

Media release
13 August 2015
Education engagement by students from diverse backgrounds will be the hot topic at the second Deakin University Student Access and Equity Youth Conference at Simonds Stadium on 19 and 20 August.

Education engagement by students from diverse backgrounds will be the hot topic at the second Deakin University Student Access and Equity Youth Conference at Simonds Stadium on 19 and 20 August.

The conference will bring together young people, teachers, practitioners from a variety of fields and academics to focus on the youth voice, community connections, hope, self-identity and pride, and to explore and celebrate young people's strengths and potential.

Keynote speakers include Dorothy Hoddinot, Principal of Holroyd High School in Western Sydney and Pro-Chancellor of the University of Sydney; Professor Susan Balandin, Inaugural Chair in Disability and Inclusion at Deakin University; and Abe Nouk, refugee and Director of Creative Rebellion Youth studios.

Professor Brenda Cherednichenko, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Faculty of Arts & Education, explains the importance of enabling young people - especially those experiencing multiple barriers - to pursue their education. 

"For some young people, the decision to go to university presents practical, cultural and/or financial barriers," she said.

"Not everyone gets an equal chance to access a university education. People from lower socio-economic backgrounds, from regional and rural Australia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are significantly less likely to go to university than other Australians. This can further increase inequalities that continue across generations.

"Through the Deakin Engagement and Access Program (DEAP), the University encourages and works with young people to make university a desirable and achievable option.

"The DEAP program aims to build on the aspirations of young people to participate in higher education by enabling their academic development, increasing their understanding of pathways, and preparing students for the transition to university," she said.

A range of sessions over the two-day conference will cover four key themes - social inclusion for engagement in the new millennium, community perceptions of youth, correct corrections (young people affected by the Justice System), and cultural considerations in a young person's world.

Highlights of the 17 sessions held at the Deakin Cats Community Centre include Sorting out legal problems in a young person's world by Deakin's Legal Service for Students, The impact of the arts in youth communities by the Movement Makers Youth Arts Forum, Engagement in Sport; what makes it work by Andrew Crowley from Deakin University, and Slactivism and the degradation of the Youth Voice by Emma Thompson and Amy Chisholm from Deakin University.

Deakin University Student Access and Equity Youth Conference

Date: 19 & 20 August
8.30am – 4pm
 Simonds Stadium, 370 Moorabool Street, South Geelong
Cost: $220 Professional, $50 Student, $50 evening networking event
Registration required 

Keynote speakers 

Dorothy Hoddinott, Principal of Holroyd High School in Western Sydney, Pro-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, and recipient of the 2014 Australian Human Rights Medal.

Abe Nouk, refugee and Director of Creative Rebellion Youth studios.

Professor Susan Balandin, Inaugural Chair in Disability and Inclusion at Deakin University.

Wayne McCashen, Director of The Strengths Approach training and consultancy services.

Robyn Broadbent, member of the Youth Workers Association Board, academic, community researcher, community activist and a committed advocate for the human rights of young people.

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