

Develop your artistic, academic or professional photography aspirations through critical and creative practice. You’ll explore both digital and analogue formats to build technical proficiency and visual literacy, with an emphasis on high-quality output.

Get work-ready

Immerse yourself in the theories, techniques and practices of photography. You'll benefit from teaching and technical staff guiding you through practical workshops and solo and collaborative-based projects. Take your skills to the next level through work placement internships and the opportunity to exhibit your own work, and enrich your studies with a variety of international study tour options.


Undergraduate (your first degree)

An undergraduate degree is generally completed between two to four years, depending on the pattern of study and any recognition of prior learning you may have. Associate degrees, bachelor and bachelor with honours are all undergraduate degrees.


Postgraduate (further study)

A postgraduate qualification can be undertaken by students who have already completed an undergraduate degree or possess significant, demonstrable work experience. Postgraduate courses include graduate certificates, graduate diplomas, masters and PhDs, as well as specialist programs for industry professionals.


Higher Degrees by Research (supervised research)

Research degrees are research based master’s or PhD programs that focus on a single area of expertise. They provide students the opportunity to carry out highly specialised research under expert supervision.

Discover creative arts majors

Immerse yourself in your creative practice when you major in dance, drama, photography, visual arts or writing, and personalise your degree with minors in complementary study areas.

Learn more about Deakin's creative arts majors

Career opportunities

Images are powerful and cross-cultural boundaries. Make a career of bringing your unique perspective to the world. Career opportunities include:

  • commercial studio practice
  • cinema and web design
  • fashion
  • fine art
  • freelancing
  • graphic design
  • journalism
  • professional gallery and museum practice
  • social media
  • visual communication design.

We're here to support you through your journey at Deakin

If you're dreaming of a rewarding career in photography, we can help get you there.

Forge your own path: What happens when you study photography and science?

Need help deciding whether to study photography or science? Meet Molly who forged her own unique career path with a double degree at Deakin.

Read more

Special guest photographers

You’ll get to work alongside academics who are expert active media practitioners, as well as with visiting, special guest and casual academic staff.

Study credits plus real-world experience

Through a range of international study tours and work placement opportunities, you can gain study credits plus real world experience. Our work-integrated learning opportunities give you a chance to build your portfolio and create valuable industry networks.

Research with us

Got a great insight into the world of photography that no-one’s thought of before? Take on a higher degree by research with us.

Learn more about researching with us

Visual arts and photography student showcase

Visual arts and photography student showcase

Get an inside look at our student work in visual arts and photography across exhibitions held at various gallery spaces across Deakin's campuses.