Future Fellowship success

Research news

26 July 2012
Associate Professor Tong Lin wins prestigious award.

Deakin University’s Associate Professor Tong Lin has been awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.

Professor Lin works in Deakin’s new Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) where his research specialises in the preparation of ultra-fine fibres, functionalisation of fibrous materials, and discovering new ways of using fibrous materials in both the textile and non-textile areas.

“It is a great honour for me to receive this award,” Associate Professor Lin said.

“It is not just an award for me, but for my research colleagues here at Deakin.”

Professor Lin was among 209 Future Fellowships announced by The Minister for Science and Research, Senator Chris Evans.

"All 209 researchers will use their fellowships to solve problems and make discoveries that may improve the lives of all Australians,” the Minister said.

The Future Fellowships scheme began in 2009 to increase the opportunities for highly qualified mid-career researchers to work in Australia, rather than overseas.

“Since coming to Deakin Tong has made a great contribution to the research reputation of our University,” said the Director of IFM Professor Peter Hodgson.

“This is a great result for him, for our Institute and for the University and I offer him our heartiest congratulations.”

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It is not just an award for me, but for my research colleagues here at Deakin, says Associate Professor Tong Lin. It is not just an award for me, but for my research colleagues here at Deakin, says Associate Professor Tong Lin.

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