Melbourne Burwood Campus building projects

We're transforming our Melbourne Burwood Campus by upgrading several existing buildings and creating new buildings.

New state-of-the-art facilities

The continued growth in student and staff numbers at Deakin means we must always stay one step ahead with our facilities. We're especially focused on creating a fully accessible environment for our current and future population.

Current and recently completed building projects

Deakin Law School Building (LC)

Concept designs are in development for the new Deakin Law School Building (LC) at our Melbourne Burwood Campus.

Learn more about the Deakin Law School Building

Suburban Rail Loop - Burwood Station

A new underground train station is set to be built in Burwood as part of the Victorian Government's Suburban Rail Loop project.

Learn more about the Suburban Rail Loop - Burwood Station

Contact us

If you have any queries or concerns about any of the building projects on campus, please call +61 3 9244 6100.