Dr Kimberley James




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Exploration of a reflective practice rubric

K Young, K James, S Noy

(2016), Vol. 17, pp. 135-147, Asia-Pacific journal of cooperative education, Hamilton, N.Z., C1

journal article

Examining the perception of tenants in sustainable office buildings

J Jailani, R Reed, K James

(2015), Vol. 33, pp. 386-404, Property management, Bingley, Eng., C1

journal article

Form versus function : a study into interactive learning process affecting the implementation of sustainability in commercial buildings

J Jailani, R Reed, G Warren-Myers, K James

(2013), pp. 1-22, PRRES 2013 : Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society 2013 annual conference, Melbourne, Vic., E1


The value of oral history in natural resource management : the Balcombe Estuary Reserve, Mount Martha, Victoria

M Semken, K Miller, K James

(2011), Vol. 18, pp. 109-122, Australasian journal of environmental management, Oxfordshire, U. K., C1

journal article

Using building adaptation to deliver sustainability in Australia

S Wilkinson, R Reed, K James

(2009), Vol. 27, pp. 46-61, Structural survey, C1

journal article

Impact of secondary salinisation on freshwater ecosystems : effect of experimentally increased salinity on an intermittent floodplain wetland

K James, B Hart, P Bailey, D Blinn

(2009), Vol. 60, pp. 246-258, Marine and freshwater research, Collingwood, Vic., C1-1

journal article

Delivering sustainability through the adaptive reuse of commercial buildings : the Melbourne CBD challenge

S Wilkinson, K James, R Reed

(2009), pp. 1-19, PRRES 2008 : Proceedings of the Pacific Rim Real Estate Society 15th Annual Conference, Sydney, New South Wales, E1


Plant establishment from the seed bank of a degraded floodplain wetland: a comparison of two alternative management scenarios

H Robertson, K James

(2007), Vol. 188, pp. 145-164, Plant ecology, Berlin, Germany, C1-1

journal article

Responses of freshwater biota to rising salinity levels and implications for saline water management: a review

K James, B Cant, T Ryan

(2003), Vol. 51, pp. 703-713, Australian journal of botany, Canberra, A.C.T., C1

journal article

Determining the water requirements for the rehabilitation of wetland habitat at Kanyapella Basin, Victoria

H Robertson, K James

(2002), Vol. 3, pp. 220-221, Ecological management and restoration, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Funded Projects at Deakin

Other Public Sector Funding

Listening to the Land; Looking to the Future

A/Prof Robert Faggian, A/Prof Victor Sposito, Mr Harmen Romeijn, Dr Shaun Cunningham, Dr Kimberley James

Hepburn Shire Council

  • 2017: $13,500
  • 2016: $132,600


Principal Supervisor

Sarah Bradbury

Thesis entitled: Resilience of Biota in wetlands of intermediate salinity

Doctor of Philosophy (Life & Env), School of Life and Environmental Sciences


Sara Wilkinson

Thesis entitled: The Relationship between Building Adaptation and Property Attributes

Doctor of Philosophy (Architecture and Built Environment), School of Life and Environmental Sciences


Luke Shelley

Thesis entitled: Water regime in salinity in wetland macro-invertebrate communities

Doctor of Philosophy (Life & Env), School of Life and Environmental Sciences


Hugh Robertson

Thesis entitled: Environmental Water Requirements of Isolated Floodplain Wetlands: Kanyapella Basin, Australia

Doctor of Philosophy (Life & Env), School of Life and Environmental Sciences


Gregory Turner

Thesis entitled: Need for Effective Community Participation in Catchment Planning in Australia

Doctor of Technology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences

Associate Supervisor

Junaidah Jailani

Thesis entitled: An Investigation into Human Barriers to the Implementation of Sustainability in Commercial Office Buildings

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Finance


Xiaolin Zhai

Thesis entitled: An Investigation into Using Off-site Production in Housing Construction for the Sustainable Built Environment in China

Doctor of Philosophy, School of Management and Marketing


Justin Lawson

Thesis entitled: The Emergent Sea of Nature and Religion.

Doctor of Philosophy (Life & Env), School of Life and Environmental Sciences