Graduate Diploma of Business Administration

2015 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2015 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2015 course information
Award granted Graduate Diploma of Business Administration
CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne)
Cloud CampusYes
Duration1 year full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code035038G
Deakin course codeM601

Course sub-headings

Course overview

This course covers a broad range of topics relating to all aspects of organisational management and the development of the creative, analytical and interpersonal capabilities crucial to business leadership.

The Graduate Diploma of Business Administration allows articulation into the Master of Business Administration (MBA) and combined MBA courses.

Course Learning Outcomes

Graduate Learning Outcome Course Learning Outcome
Discipline specific knowledge and capabilities Interpret fundamental and complex organisational issues by applying business theories and concepts to existing professional knowledge and experience.
Communication Demonstrate advanced skills in communicating to a range of business audiences.
Digital literacy Use digital technologies to obtain, organise and disseminate complex business ideas.
Critical thinking Critically analyse complex business ideas and theories.
Problem solving Apply problem solving skills to analyse, develop and recommend solutions for complex business issues.
Self-management Work and learn independently and take responsibility for personal actions.
Teamwork Not explicitly addressed as a learning outcome in this award.
Global citizenship Demonstrate understanding of global business issues.

Approved by Faculty Board October 2014.

Course rules

To satisfy the requirements of the Graduate Diploma a student must complete a total of 8 credit points comprising 5 credit points of core units and 3 credit points of elective units.

Course structure

Course structure

Core units

MPR751/MPA751Unit description is currently unavailable *

MPT781/MPE781Unit description is currently unavailable #

MPR721/MPM721Unit description is currently unavailable *

MPT732/MPK732Unit description is currently unavailable #

Plus one unit from:

MPT753/MPF753Unit description is currently unavailable #

MPM701Unit description is currently unavailable

Elective units

Select 3 credit points of units not previously studied from:

MAA703Unit description is currently unavailable

MLC771Unit description is currently unavailable

MPT753/MPF753Unit description is currently unavailable #

MPM701Unit description is currently unavailable

MPR722/MPM722Unit description is currently unavailable *

MPT735/MPM735Unit description is currently unavailable #

MIS771Unit description is currently unavailable

# MPT code denotes study tour version of the unit

* MPR code denotes residential version of the unit

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure

Course structure