Prof Bob Pease



Honorary Professor


Faculty of Arts and Education


School of Hum & Social Science


Off-Campus (Home)



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Disrupting masculinism in public policy responses to COVID-19: Unmasking the gendered dimensions of the pandemic

B Pease

(2023), pp. 99-111, Post-Pandemic Welfare and Social Work: Re-imagining the New Normal, London, Eng., C1

journal article

Posthumanism and the man question: Beyond anthropocentric masculinities

U Mellström, B Pease

(2022), London, Eng., A7

edited book

From Ecomasculinity to Profeminist Environmentalism: Recreating Men's Relationship with Nature

B Pease

(2021), pp. 537-557, Men, masculinities, and Earth : contending with the (m)Anthropocene, London, Eng., B1

book chapter

The Limits of Public Health Approaches and Discourses of Masculinities in Violence Against Women Prevention

Bob Pease

(2021), pp. 1-22, The Palgrave Handbook of the History of Human Sciences, Singapore, B1

book chapter

The rise of angry white men: resisting populist masculinity and the backlash against gender equality

Bob Pease

(2021), pp. 15-30, The challenge of right-wing nationalist populism for social work : a human rights approach, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Fostering non-anthropocentric vulnerability in men Challenging the autonomous masculine subject in social work

Bob Pease, Bob Pease

(2021), pp. 108-120, Post-anthropocentric social work : critical posthuman and new materialist perspectives, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Masculinisme, changement climatique et catastrophes produites par les hommes. Vers une réponse environnementale proféministe

B Pease

(2021), Vol. 40, pp. 52-67, Nouvelles Questions Feministes, Paris, France, C1

journal article

Post-Anthropocentric Social Work Critical Posthuman and New Materialist Perspectives Preface

Bob Pease, Vivienne Bozalek

(2021), A7

edited book

Gendering Violence: Theorising the Links Between Men, Masculinities and Violence

Bob Pease

(2020), pp. 71-90, Violence, Gender and Affect : interpersonal, institutional and ideological practices, Cham, Switzerland, B1

book chapter

Towards post-anthropocentric social work

Vivienne Bozalek, Bob Pease

(2020), pp. 1-15, Post-Anthropocentric Social Work : Critical Posthuman and New Materialist Perspectives, London, Eng., B1

book chapter

Resistance and backlash to gender equality

M Flood, M Dragiewicz, B Pease

(2020), pp. 1-16, Australian Journal of Social Issues, London, Eng., C1

journal article

Working with men in the human services

B Pease, P Camilleri

(2020), A7

edited book

Facing patriarchy : from a violent gender order to a culture of peace

B Pease

(2019), London, Eng., A1


Recreating men's relationship with nature: toward a profeminist environmentalism

Bob Pease

(2019), Vol. 22, pp. 113-123, Men and masculinities, London, Eng., C1-1

journal article

Towards a critical ethic of care in social work

Bob Pease, Anthea Vreugdenhil, Sonya Stanford

(2018), pp. 3-15, Critical ethics of care in social work: transforming the politics and practices of caring, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Do men care? From uncaring masculinities to men's caring practices in social work

B Pease

(2018), pp. 186-196, Critical ethics of care in social work: transforming the politics and practices of caring, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Resistance and Backlash to Gender Equality: An evidence review

B Pease, Michael Flood, Molly Dragiewicz

(2018), Melbourne, Vic., A6

research report/technical paper

Introduction: the changing socio-political context and theoretical frames of radical social work in Australia

B Pease

(2017), pp. 1-16, Radicals in Australian social work: stories of lifelong activism, Redlands Bay, Qld., B1

book chapter

Why don't we talk about patriarchy anymore? Reflections on forty years of scholarship and activism against men's sexism and violence

B Pease

(2017), pp. 198-216, Radicals in Australian social work: stories of lifelong activism, Redlands Bay, Qld., B1

book chapter

Undoing privilege in social work: Implications for critical practices in the local and global context

Bob Pease

(2017), pp. 216-227, Social work in a glocalised world, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Radicals in Australian Social Work: Stories of Lifelong Activism

C Noble, B Pease, J Ife

(2017), Radicals in Australian Social Work: Stories of Lifelong Activism, Redlands Bay, Qld., A7

edited book

Critical Ethics of Care in Social Work. Transforming the Politics and Practices of Caring

Bob Pease, Anthea Vreugdenhil, Sonya Stanford

(2017), Critical Ethics of Care in Social Work, Abingdon, Eng., A7

edited book

Engaging men in feminist social work: theory, politics and practice

B Pease

(2016), pp. 287-302, Contemporary feminisms in social work practice, Abingdon, Eng., B1-1

book chapter

The gendered terrain of disaster Thinking about men and masculinities

Elaine Enarson, Bob Pease

(2016), pp. 3-20, Men, masculinities and disaster, London, Eng., B1-1

book chapter

Masculinism, climate change and "man-made" disasters Toward an environmental profeminist response

Bob Pease

(2016), pp. 21-33, Men, masculinities and disaster, London, Eng., B1-1

book chapter

Critical social work with men: challenging men's complicity in the reproduction of patriarchy and male privilege

Bob Pease

(2016), Vol. 35, pp. 49-53, Social alternatives, Brisbane, Qld., C1

journal article

Men, Masculinities and Disaster

E Enarson, B Pease

(2016), London, Eng., A7-1

edited book

Doing profeminist research with men in social work: reflections on epistemology, methodology, and politics

B Pease

(2015), pp. 52-66, Feminisms in social work research: promise and possibilities for justice-based knowledge, Abingdon, Eng., B1

book chapter

Injuries and privileges: being a white working-class academic man

B Pease

(2015), pp. 85-93, Bread and roses: voices of Australian academics from the working class, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, B1

book chapter

Masculinity and social work practice

B Pease

(2015), pp. 679-684, International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences (second edition), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, B1

book chapter

Undoing privilege in Western social work: implications for critically-reflective practice in China

B Pease

(2015), Vol. 8, pp. 93-106, China journal of social work, Abingdon, Eng., C1-1

journal article

Recognition, resistance and reconstruction : an introduction to subjectivities and social justice

M Pallotta-Chiarolli, B Pease

(2014), pp. 1-23, The politics of recognition and social justice : transforming subjectivities and new forms of resistance, New York, NY, B1

book chapter

Transforming privileged subjectivities: toward a pedagogy of the oppressor

B Pease

(2014), pp. 159-172, The politics of recognition and social justice: transforming subjectivities and new forms of resistance, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Theorising men's violence prevention policies: limitations and possibilities of interventions in a patriarchal state

B Pease

(2014), pp. 22-40, Preventing sexual violence : interdisciplinary approaches to overcoming a rape culture, Baskingstoke, England, B1

book chapter

The politics of men's emotions : From emotional detachment to compassion in men's responses to gender injustice

B Pease

(2014), pp. 69-83, Walking beside challenging the role of emotions in normalization, Stockholm, Sweden, B1

book chapter

Doing profeminist research with men in social work: Reflections on epistemology, methodology, and politics

B Pease

(2014), pp. 52-66, Feminisms in Social Work Research: Promise and Possibilities for Justice-Based Knowledge, B1-1

book chapter

'New wine in old bottles?' A commentary on 'What's in it for men?': Old question, new data

B Pease

(2014), Vol. 17, pp. 549-551, Men and masculinities, London, Eng., C1

journal article

Hegemonic masculinity and the gendering of men in disaster management: implications for social work education

B Pease

(2014), Vol. 16, pp. 60-72, Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Gendering Methodologies in the Study of Men and Masculinities

B Pini, B Pease

(2013), pp. 1-25, Men, Masculinities and Methodologies, London, UK, B1

book chapter

Epistemology, Methodology and Accountability in Researching Mens Subjectives and Practices

B Pease

(2013), pp. 39-52, Men, Masculinities and Methodologies, London, UK, B1

book chapter

Interrogating privileged subjectivities : reflections on writing personal accounts of privilege

B Pease

(2012), pp. 71-82, Emergent writing methodologies in feminist studies, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Military deployment, masculinity and trauma : reviewing the connections

J Fox, B Pease

(2012), Vol. 20, pp. 16-31, Journal of men's studies, Harriman, Tenn., C1

journal article

The politics of gendered emotions : disrupting men's emotional investment in privilege

B Pease

(2012), Vol. 47, pp. 125-142, Australian journal of social issues, Strawberry Hills, N. S. W., C1

journal article

Introduction : transforming men's practices around the world

K Pringle, J Hearn, B Pease, E Ruspini

(2011), pp. 1-, Men and masculinities around the world, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Governing men's violence against women in Australia

B Pease

(2011), pp. 177-189, Men and masculinities around the world : transforming men's practices, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Theorizing normalization as hidden privilege

B Pease

(2011), pp. 69-79, Normalization and 'outsiderhood' feminist readings of a neoliberal welfare state, Sweden, B1

book chapter

Men in social work : challenging or reproducing an unequal gender regime?

B Pease

(2011), pp. 1-14, Affilia : Journal of women and social work, Thousand Oaks, Calif., C1

journal article

Neoliberalism and Australian social work : accommodation or resistance?

J Wallace, B Pease

(2011), Vol. 11, pp. 132-142, Journal of social work, London, England, C1

journal article

Interrogating male privilege in the human services and social work education

C Noble, B Pease

(2011), Vol. 10, pp. 29-38, Women in welfare education, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Undoing privilege : unearned advantage in a divided world

B Pease

(2010), London, England, A1


Challenging the dominant paradigm : social work research, social justice and social change

B Pease

(2010), pp. 98-112, The SAGE handbook of social work research, London, England, B1

book chapter

Addressing male privilege in counselling with men

B Pease

(2010), Vol. 1, pp. 14-19, CAPA quarterly, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Reconstructing violent rural masculinities : responding to fractures in the rural gender order in Australia

B Pease

(2010), Vol. 2, pp. 154-164, Culture, society & masculinity, Harriman, Tenn., C1

journal article

Racialsed masculinities and the health of immigrant and refugee men

B Pease

(2009), pp. 182-201, Men's health : body, identity and social context, Chichester, England, B1

book chapter

From evidence-based practice to critical knowledge in post-positivist social work

B Pease

(2009), pp. 45-57, Critical social work, Crows Nest, N.S.W., B1

book chapter

Reshaping attitudes toward violence against women

M Flood, B Pease, N Taylor, K Webster

(2009), pp. 177-198, Violence against women in families and relationships, vol 4, Westport, Conn., B1

book chapter

Machismo and the construction of immigrant latin American masculinities

P Crossley, B Pease

(2009), pp. 115-134, Migrant men critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Immigrant men and domestic life - renegotiating the patriarchal bargain?

B Pease

(2009), pp. 79-95, Migrant men critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Men and masculinities on the move

R Hibbins, B Pease

(2009), pp. 1-19, Migrant men critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Rethinking masculinities in the African diaspora

N Wa Mungai, B Pease

(2009), pp. 96-114, Migrant men : critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Introducing critical theories for social work in a neo-liberal context

L Briskman, B Pease, J Allan

(2009), pp. 1-14, Critical social work : theories and practices for a socially just world, Crows Nest, N.S.W., B1

book chapter

From radical to critical social work

B Pease

(2009), pp. 189-198, Critical practice in social work, Basingstoke, England, B1

book chapter

The other side of social exclusion : interrogating the role of the privileged in reproducing inequality

B Pease

(2009), pp. 37-46, Theorising social exclusion, Abingdon, England, B1-1

book chapter

The other side of social exclusion: Interrogating the role of the privileged in reproducing inequality1

B Pease

(2009), pp. 37-46, Theorising Social Exclusion, London, Eng., B1-1

book chapter

Factors influencing attitudes to violence against women

M Flood, B Pease

(2009), Vol. 10, pp. 125-142, Trauma, violence, & abuse, Thousand Oaks, Calif., C1

journal article

Migrant men: Critical studies of masculinities and the migration experience

M Donaldson, R Hibbins, R Howson, B Pease

(2009), A7-1

edited book

Mothers and sons : using memory-work to explore the subjectivities and practices of profeminist men

B Pease

(2008), pp. 133-150, Dissecting the mundane : international perspectives on memory-work, Lanham, Md., B1

book chapter

Engaging men in men's violence prevention : exploring the tensions, dilemmas and possibilities

B Pease

(2008), Vol. August 2008, pp. 1-20, Australian domestic & family violence clearinghouse, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Theorising men's violence towards women in refugee families : towards in intersectional feminist framework

B Pease, S Rees

(2008), pp. 39-45, Just policy: a journal of Asustralian social policy, Melbourne, Vic., C1

journal article

Rethinking the significance of attitudes in preventing men's violence3 against women

B Pease, M Flood

(2008), Vol. 43, pp. 547-561, Australian journal of social issues, [Sydney, N.S.W], C1

journal article

Critical social work theory meets evidence-based practice in Australia: towards critical knowledge-informed practice in social work

B Pease

(2007), pp. 103-138, 解放のソーシャルワーク: Kaihō no sōsharu wāku, 世界思想社, Kyōto-shi, Japan, B1

book chapter

Domestic violence in refugee families in Australia : rethinking settlement policy and practice

S Rees, B Pease

(2007), Vol. 5, pp. 1-19, Journal of immigrant & refugee studies, New York, N.Y., C1

journal article

Australia : masculine migrations

B Pease

(2006), pp. 343-348, Men of the global south: a reader, New York, N.Y., B1

book chapter

Governing men and boys in public policy in Australia

B Pease

(2006), pp. 127-143, Analysing social policy: a governmental approach, Cheltenham, England, B1

book chapter

Encouraging critical reflections on privilege in social work and the human services

B Pease

(2006), Vol. 1, pp. 15-26, Practice reflexions, Melbourne, Vic., C1

journal article

Gendering men: implications for gender equality

B Pease

(2006), pp. 1-13, Men and gender equality: towards progressive policies, Helsinki, Finland, E1


Researching profeminist men's narratives: Participatory methodologies in a postmodern frame

B Pease

(2005), pp. 138-161, Practice and Research in Social Work: Postmodern Feminist Perspectives, B1-1

book chapter

Rethinking profeminist men's behaviour change programs

B Pease

(2005), pp. 32-40, Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal, Carlton, Vic., C1-1

journal article

Undoing men's privilege and advancing gender equality in public sector institutions

M Flood, B Pease

(2005), Vol. 24, pp. 119-138, Policy and society: journal of public, foreign and global policy, Sydney, N.S.W., C1

journal article

Migrant masculinities: the experiences of Latin-American migrant men in Australia

B Pease, P Crossley

(2005), Vol. 11, pp. 133-140, JILAS - journal of Iberian and Latin American studies, Adelaide, S. Aust., C1-1

journal article

Decentring white men : critical reflections on masculinity and white studies

B Pease

(2004), pp. 119-132, Whitening race : essays in social and cultural criticism, Canberra, A.C.T., B1-1

book chapter

Critical reflections on profeminist practice in men's groups

B Pease

(2003), pp. 53-65, Gender and groupwork, London, England, B1-1

book chapter

Men and masculinities : profeminist approaches to changing men

B Pease

(2003), pp. 124-138, Critical social work:an introduction to theories and practices, Crows Nest, N.S.W., B1-1

book chapter

Rethinking the relationship between the self and society

B Pease

(2003), pp. 187-201, Critical social work: an introduction to theories and practices, St Leonards, N.S.W., B1-1

book chapter

Introducing Critical Theories in Social Work

B Pease, J Allan, L Briskman

(2003), pp. 1-14, Critical social work : an introduction to theories and practices, Crows Nest, N.S.W., B1-1

book chapter

Men and gender relations

B Pease

(2002), Croydon, Vic, A1-1


Doing participatory research with profeminist men

B Pease

(2002), pp. 170-184, Slices of life: qualitative research snapshots, Melbourne, Vic., B1-1

book chapter

Rethinking empowerment: a postmodern reappraisal for emancipatory practice

B Pease

(2002), Vol. 32, pp. 135-147, British journal of social work, London, England, C1-1

journal article

(Re)Constructing Men`s Interests

B Pease

(2002), Vol. 5, pp. 165-177, Men and masculinities, Thousand Oaks, CA, C1-1

journal article

Moving beyond mateship:reconstructing Australian men's practices

B Pease

(2001), pp. 191-204, A man's world? changing men's practices in a globalized world, London, England, B1-1

book chapter

Studying men's practices and gender relations in a global context

B Pease, K Pringle

(2001), pp. 1-17, A man's world? changing men's practices in a globalized world, London, England, B1-1

book chapter

Afterword: a man`s world? rethinking commonality and diversity in men`s practices

K Pringle, B Pease

(2001), pp. 245-252, Man`s world? changing men`s practices in a globalized world, London, England, B1-1

book chapter

Developing pro feminist practice with men in social work

B Pease

(2001), Vol. 2, pp. 1-8, Critical social work, Ontario, Canada, C1-1

journal article

A re-appraisal of theory practice debate in social work

B Pease

(1993), Vol. 3, pp. 66-78, Asia Pacific journal of social work and development, Abingdon, Eng., C1-1

journal article

Funded Projects at Deakin

Other Public Sector Funding

PhD Scholarship - Masculinities and the health of young refugee males from Southern Sudan

Prof Bob Pease, Mr Ndungi Mungai

VicHealth Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, VicHealth - Scholarship

  • 2008: $10,004
  • 2007: $22,476
  • 2006: $21,231


Principal Supervisor

Stephen Bruce Fisher

Thesis entitled: Involving Men to End Violence Against Women: A Critical Approach

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Sarah Bernadette Epstein

Thesis entitled: Mothers and Sons: Feminist Maternal Practice with Boys

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development

Cameron Boyd

Thesis entitled: Measuring harm: Governing the effects of child sexual abuse

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Catherine Seymour

Thesis entitled: The Violence of Gender: Australian Policy Responses to Violence

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development

Clare Land

Thesis entitled: The Politics of Solidarity with Indigenous Struggles in Southeast Australia

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development

Pete French

Thesis entitled: Staking a Claim: Analysing Interventionist Discourses of Men's Family Violence

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Ndungi Mungai

Thesis entitled: The Health and Well-being of Sudanese Young Men in Melbourne

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Elizabeth Beddoe

Thesis entitled: Building professional capital : New Zealand social workers and continuing education

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Mark Furlong

Thesis entitled: Disturbing the Dream of the Autonomous Subject

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development

Associate Supervisor

Gregory Paul Roberts

Thesis entitled: Into the Mystic - Bereaved parents, love and spontaneous creativity.

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development

Krystyna Kostecki

Thesis entitled: Resistance and Reconstruction: Older Women Talk about Childhood Sexual Abuse

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development


Gillian Louise Nieman

Thesis entitled: Aboriginal People and Local Government: A Shepparton Story

Doctor of Philosophy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences


Jack Migdalek

Thesis entitled: Embodied Choreography and Performance of Gender

Doctor of Philosophy (Health & Social Development), School of Health and Social Development