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MAA908 - Advanced Management Accounting


2020 unit information

Important Update:

Classes and seminars in Trimester 2, 2020 will be online.

Last updated: 2 June 2020

Enrolment modes:

Not offered in 2020

Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Cohort rule:

Must be enrolled in M800 or M900



Incompatible with:


Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

Scheduled learning activities - campus:

1 x 3 hour seminar per week


This PhD unit introduces students to the philosophy and development of research in management accounting and control systems. In particular, the unit explores the dominant theoretical frameworks adopted in contemporary management accounting and control research including agency, transaction cost economics, contingency, organisational behaviour, cultural and psychology theories. A critical analysis of the extant empirical studies in management accounting and control systems is also undertaken.  Topics reviewed include budgeting, costing, performance measurement, risk management, motivation and incentive systems in both international and national settings. In addition, the course also specifically focuses on the internal audit function and risk management as key components of an organisation’s internal control system and their implications for organisational governance design and performance.  In addition, the course also specifically focuses on the internal audit function and risk management as key components of an organisation’s internal control system and their implications for organisational governance design and performance.  The unit provides a bridge to advanced research.

These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this Unit

  At the completion of this unit students can: Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes


Identify discuss and evaluate current issues in the research literature in Management Accounting and Control System.

GLO 1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities


Understand and critically evaluate the key theoretical perspectives that underlie research on management accounting and control systems.

GLO 4  Critical thinking


Be familiar with the different approaches to research in management accounting and control systems through analysis of recent empirical findings.

GLO 1 Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities


Be able to critically evaluate present and report on such empirical research undertaken to date.

GLO 2  Communication

These Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable for all teaching periods throughout the year

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Learning Resource

Texts and reading lists for units can be found on the University Library via the following link. Note: Select the relevant trimester reading list. Please note that a future teaching period's reading list may not be available until a month prior to the start of that teaching period so you may wish to use the relevant trimester's prior year reading list as a guide only.

Unit Fee Information

Click on the fee link below which describes you: