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MMK792 - Arts Marketing


2021 unit information

Important Update:

Unit delivery will continue to be provided in line with the most current COVIDSafe health guidelines. This may include a mix of on-campus and online activities. To find out how you are impacted, please check your unit sites for announcements and updates. Unit sites open one week prior to the start of each Trimester/Semester.

Thank you for your flexibility and commitment to studying with Deakin in 2021.

Last updated: 4 June 2021

Enrolment modes:Trimester 1: Online
Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Unit Chair:Trimester 1: Anne Kershaw


Incompatible with: Nil
Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

Scheduled learning activities - cloud:

Online independent and collaborative learning activities including 11 weekly scheduled online seminars.


Arts marketing plays a key role in ensuring the arts engage diverse audiences and stakeholders. Arts marketing offers artists and  organisations the opportunity to broaden, deepen and diversify the audiences for their work. This unit develops students’ arts marketing skills, addressing both strategic marketing planning and the use of marketing tools and techniques such as audience development, branding, market segmentation, promotions and e-marketing. The role of marketing in the arts sector is examined, in terms of  a product-led focus (presenting quality arts and cultural products); and  target-led approaches (understanding audiences and the nature of cultural experiences). Case studies are used to present marketing techniques specific to the arts sector, and to examine the use or modification of marketing approaches from other sectors.

ULO These are the Learning Outcomes (ULO) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can: Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes
ULO1 Analyse and apply arts marketing processes to appropriate audiences that are aligned with organizational strategic priorities and assessment of the external environment. GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
ULO2 Communicate arts marketing strategies to inform and motivate audiences within an organisation in an integrated manner. GLO2: Communication

Adapt and reflect on planning for fundamental aspects of arts marketing and the 'marketing mix'.  

GLO6: Self-management

Contribute to an online community of learners and practitioners in the field of arts marketing. 

GLO7: Teamwork

These Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable for all teaching periods throughout the year


Assessment Description Student output Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
Indicative due week 
Assessment 1: (Individual) - Report (Business) 2500 words 50% Week 11
Assessment 2: (Individual) - Regular engagement in online activities and discussions 2500 words 50% Weekly

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Learning Resource

The texts and reading list for the unit can be found on the University Library via the link below: MMK792 Note: Select the relevant trimester reading list. Please note that a future teaching period's reading list may not be available until a month prior to the start of that teaching period so you may wish to use the relevant trimester's prior year reading list as a guide only.

Unit Fee Information

Click on the fee link below which describes you: