HSE302 - Exercise Programming

Unit details


2025 unit information

Enrolment modes:

Trimester 1: Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong), Online with significant campus requirements

Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Unit Chair:Trimester 1: Samantha Hoffmann
Cohort rule:

This unit is only available to students enrolled in D333, and the new course versions of H343, D394 (H343.4 and D394.2) and H353

Campus contact:

Burwood (Melbourne): Jackson Fyfe


HSE103 or HSE301


Must be enrolled in or have previously successfully completed HSE010

Incompatible with: HSE322
Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - on-campus unit enrolment:

8 x online modules across the trimester (2-3 hours each)
8 x 2 hour seminars (1 containing an assessment) across the trimester
8 x 2 hour practical experience across the trimester.

Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - online unit enrolment:

8 x online modules across the trimester (2-3 hours each)
8 x 1 hour online seminars across the trimester
1 x 2 day compulsory practical experience at the Melbourne (Burwood) campus across one weekend during trimester (i.e. both Saturday and Sunday).

In-person attendance requirements:

Both online and on-campus enrolled students are required to attend either the Melbourne (Burwood) or Geelong (Waurn Ponds) campus during the End of Unit Assessment period to complete Assessment task 4: Practical examination. All students must undertake 80 hours of professional placement at the site allocated to them by the unit team. All placements must be undertaken in Australia.

Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 150 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

This will include educator guided online learning activities within the unit site.


All students are assigned to an 80 hour placement in the area of exercise assessment, prescription, and delivery as part of HSE302. You will be required to complete pre-placement documentation before you can commence placement. If this is not completed by the due date, you will be withdrawn from your placement and subsequently fail the placement hurdle requirement for the unit. You must complete your placement hours within your allocated commencement and end dates (which will be communicated to you via email). The placement can occur one trimester pre- and post- the enrolment period, except under extenuating circumstances.

Note for International students only:

You must complete your placement in Australia. If you are not able to complete your placement by your visa expiry date, please note that you will be liable for any costs involved with extending your stay in Australia, for example: visa extension application cost and extra living expenses.

Department of Human Services policy - Police Record Check and Working With Children Check:

In accordance with Department of Human Services policy, all students are required to undertake a National Police Record Check prior to placements in each calendar year of their course.

In accordance with the Department of Justice 2007, Working with Children Act 2005, amended 2017, all students are required to undertake a Working with Children Check at the commencement of their course. Students who fail to obtain a Police Record Check and a Working with Children Check prior to the commencement of placement will not be able to undertake placement and this will impede progress in the course

Students may also be required to declare their immunisation status to satisfy the requirements of health organisations where they will be undertaking their learning experience. A health organisation may refuse to accept a student for placement if the student’s immunisation status is not satisfactory to the health organisation.

Note for students applying for Recognition of prior learning (RPL) in this unit:

Students may apply for RPL for HSE302 if they have completed previous study that they believe is directly comparable to HSE302’s specific content and learning outcomes AND completed a relevant professional placement experience. If you wish to apply for RPL for both the coursework AND placement components of HSE302, please apply via the pathway outlined on this webpage: https://www.deakin.edu.au/study/how-to-apply/recognition-of-prior-learning and supply supporting documents as described below. 

Students may also apply for an exemption for either the coursework OR placement component of HSE302 based on previous study or relevant professional placement experience. If you wish to apply for an exemption, please apply to the unit team directly: hse302-enquire@deakin.edu.au. Please see below for details on the supporting documentation required in this instance:

Coursework component:
• Official transcripts (for either complete or incomplete qualifications)
• Unit outlines including assessment requirements and unit weighting
• Unit mapping linking completed unit/s to HSE302
• Key to results including grades and their meaning
• Written statement relating your previous learning to the learning outcomes in HSE302.
Additional program information such as weekly topics, assessments and readings are beneficial.

Placement component:
The Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science is accredited with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Therefore, RPL will only be considered for the placement component of HSE302 if students are able to provide all of the following:
(1) a completed Exercise Science Practicum Logbook including 80 hours relevant to exercise assessment, and prescription, and delivery (signed by an appropriately qualified supervisor) AND a Host Supervisor Report demonstrating student competency whilst on placement (the unit team can supply a template for this);
(2) an ESSA Record of Student Engagement Form verifying 80 hours relevant to exercise assessment, and prescription, and delivery (signed by an appropriately qualified supervisor and university practicum coordinator) AND a Host Supervisor Report demonstrating student competency whilst on placement (the unit team can supply a template for this);
(3) Other documentation tools developed by the education provider with whom you were enrolled during practicum that captured evidence of 80 hours relevant to exercise assessment, and prescription, and delivery AND a Host Supervisor Report demonstrating student competency whilst on placement (the unit team can supply a template for this). These documents must be provided for review by the unit team who will assess them against ESSA standards. If the application does not meet these evidence requirements either initially or through consultation with the Unit Chair then RPL will not be granted. For more information, please refer to the ESSA website.


This unit is designed to advance students’ knowledge and application of the principles of exercise prescription, exercise instruction and communication, with an emphasis on individualised, client-specific considerations, such as common musculoskeletal injuries, pregnancy and post-partum, children and older adults. Students will also complete an 80 hour placement at a pre-approved host organisation, facilitated by the unit team.

Learning Outcomes

ULO These are the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can:

Alignment to Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)


Describe the unique considerations for exercise training of various groups, demographics and common pathophysiological conditions in the general population.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving


Create and deliver evidence-based strength and conditioning programs that identify and accommodate diverse individual client needs.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO5: Problem solving
GLO7: Teamwork


Design, deliver and critically evaluate coaching of a group training session.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking


Identify the role of exercise as a tool in preventative medicine, and the scope of practice of different exercise professionals.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities


Assess, prescribe and deliver exercise safely, ethically and professionally whilst communicating with individuals with diverse needs.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication


Trimester 1:
Assessment description Student output Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
Indicative due week
Assessment 1a: Online Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) test 1 test 15%
  • Week 8
Assessment 1b: Short answer test 1 test 25%
  • Week 8
Assessment 2: Group training session 15 minutes 20%
  • Week 6 or 7
Assessment 3: Marking rubric and written summary 200 words 10%
  • Week 7
Assessment 4: End-of-unit assessment 20 minutes 30%
  • End-of-unit assessment period
Assessment 5: Placement Host Supervisor Report and Approved Logbook Placement logbook entries Ungraded Pass/Fail
  • Refer to unit site

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Hurdle requirement

  • Assessment task 4: End-of-unit-assessment: Practical
  • Assessment task 5: Placement Host Supervisor Report and Approved Logbook: Ungraded Pass/Fail

Learning resource

The texts and reading list for HSE302 can be found via the University Library.

Note: Select the relevant trimester reading list. Please note that a future teaching period's reading list may not be available until a month prior to the start of that teaching period so you may wish to use the relevant trimester's prior year reading list as a guide only.

Unit Fee Information

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study and their study discipline, and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place.

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current Students website.