What are our solutions to big environmental challenges?

Sustainability is at the heart of our university research – we’ve invested more than $30 million in sustainability-related research in 2023 alone. Our researchers are finding future-focused solutions to local and global environmental challenges, from waste management to renewable energy technology.

Find out more about our sustainability research below and discover how we're making a big impact.

Circular economy

Our Institute for Frontier Materials, home to the world's most advanced carbon fibre and composite research facility, is pioneering a new generation of 'green' materials with extraordinary functionality.

Green manufacturing

The Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub based within Deakin’s thriving Future Economy Precinct is Australia’s largest recycling and clean energy advanced manufacturing ecosystem.

Clean energy research

One of Australia’s first facilities equipped to manufacture new hydrogen technologies, Hycel is translating groundbreaking research and development into clean energy and transport innovation.

Let's keep Earth wonderful

At Deakin, we’re committed to building a sustainable, wonderful world through innovative research.

See how we're enabling a sustainable world

The health of our planet and the quality of life for future generations relies on our actions today. That’s why, at Deakin, we place sustainability at the centre of all our research.

Securing water for sustainable growth

We're drawing on expertise in water management, sensing technologies and environmental engineering to drive efficiencies in water use and maximise value.

Protecting our unique animals and habitats

Our wildlife ecology experts are researching the importance of animal interactions for ecosystem management, invasive species control and biodiversity conservation.

Developing reliable energy storage solutions

Our world-class Battery Research and Innovation Hub is a purpose-built prototyping facility that supports design, fabrication and testing for next-generation batteries.

Work with world-leading experts

Whether you want to find a research supervisor, learn more about our academics, search Deakin staff, or partner with us – tap into the unrivalled expertise and established networks of Deakin’s world-class researchers.

I hope that my research adds to our ability to balance human needs and environmental outcomes, and to understand how that balance may be affected under future climates.

Professor Rebecca Lester

Director, Centre for Regional and Rural Futures

Meet our sustainability research staff

Our world-class research teams are led by true innovators and experts in their fields. Discover what drives our researchers and what they hope to accomplish going forward.

Professor Rebecca Lester is developing a Basin-wide ecological response model, including investigating climate adaptation.

Professor Don Driscoll is helping find solutions to counteract the significant pressures humans place on this earth.

Professor Samantha Hepburn is researching environmental law, specialising in mining and energy regulation and policy.

Professor Euan Ritchie is researching how we manage and protect our remarkable ecosystems and wildlife.

Alfred Deakin Professor Brett Bryan is delivering solutions for sustainable land systems.

Make your sustainability ideas a reality

Make your sustainability ideas a reality

Whatever the size of your organisation, we can help you grow your sustainability ideas from concept to reality. Tap into the best and brightest minds from our faculties, institutes and research centres. Access industrial-scale facilities and co-location opportunities, as well as our world-class, impact-driven research.

How we're shaping a sustainable future, together

Sustainability is embedded within Deakin’s culture as one of our core values. We care about our shared future and are committed to integrating sustainability through our research, across our institutes, centres and faculties.

Sustainability research at our institutes and centres

Sustainability research takes place across multiple research institutes, centres and groups, meaning we bring together our collective expertise, technologies and resources to help drive positive change.

Explore our faculties and schools

Our faculty researchers work together, fostering a collaborative approach to sustainability research that unlocks new angles, solutions and ways of thinking. We work on many areas of sustainability, including:

Contact us

We are committed to building resilient, vibrant and inclusive communities through innovative research. Find out how you can get involved for a brighter future.

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