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The Deakin community says no to smoking

Deakin University became a no smoking environment in 2014. This means that smoking is prohibited across our campuses.

This initiative has been jointly implemented at all of Victoria's nine universities.

You can read our policy here.

At Deakin, we are committed to improving the health of our students, staff and community. We aim to reduce smoking rates, provide cleaner air for those entering University premises, and promote the evidence for good public health. The ban includes electronic cigarettes and all tobacco products.

Why you should quit

You will feel the benefits of quitting smoking straight away as your body repairs itself.

Within 6 hours your heart rate slows and your blood pressure becomes more stable.

Within a day almost all of the nicotine is out of your bloodstream, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood has dropped and oxygen can more easily reach your heart and muscles.

Within a week your sense of taste and smell may improve and you have higher blood levels of protective antioxidants such as vitamin C.

Within 3 months you’re coughing and wheezing less, your lungs’ natural cleaning system is recovering, becoming better at removing mucus, tar and dust from your lungs and your immune system is beginning its recovery so your body is better at fighting off infection.

Within 6 months you are less likely to be coughing up phlegm and you're likely to feel less stressed than when you were smoking.

After 1 year your lungs are now healthier and you’ll be breathing easier than if you’d kept smoking.

Within 2 to 5 years there is a large drop in your risk of heart attack and stroke and this risk will continue to gradually decrease over time.For women, within five years, the risk of cervical cancer is the same as someone who has never smoked.

Source: Quit Victoria 2017

Read more information here about why you should quit and about managing triggers and excuses.

Want to quit?

We are committed to supporting you if you are interested in reducing or quitting smoking.

Here’s how you can make a start on your quit journey

  1. Pick your start date
  2. Tell friends and family
  3. Decide if you are cutting down or quitting altogether
  4. Identify your triggers and your excuses
  5. Establish how you will measure your success, how you will reward yourself and how you will get back on track if you slip up
  6. Be kind to yourself and don’t give up.

Free downloads to help you quit

You can also visit the Why Quit? website to read collection of articles about the benefits of quitting.

Frequently asked questions

Why can’t you smoke at Deakin?

The Deakin community says no to smoking in order to reduce smoking rates among staff and students as well as provide cleaner air for all those entering University premises. The approach also extends to zero sales of tobacco and zero funding or sponsorship from the tobacco industry.

A survey we conducted in 2013 of Deakin staff indicated that more than 80% of people prefer to socialise in a no smoking environment and more than 90% of people believe they have the right to breathe clean, fresh air.

We support the evidence for good public health, which shows that no smoking environments increase the rate of quitting and reduce the amount of people taking up smoking. As a part of the University's commitment to the community's health we will support those interested in reducing smoking or quitting.

Passive smoking is a legitimate health concern and the University is committed to creating healthy campus environments across Victoria for our staff and students as well as the wider community.

What is considered a tobacco product and is therefore prohibited?

Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes, electronic nicotine devices and the use of any other implements that emit harmful or toxic smoke for the purpose of inhaling. Any substance containing tobacco leaf, including but not limited to, hookah tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, blunts, clove cigarettes, or any other preparation of tobacco.

Deakin's decision to prohibit the use of Electronic cigarettes is based on the Australian Government's Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) or e-cigs, are devices for making mists for inhalation, that usually simulate the act of cigarette smoking. Electronic cigarettes are sometimes marketed as an option to help people quit smoking, or as a tobacco replacement (TGA 2013).

Unlike Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products, which have been rigorously assessed for efficacy and safety and, therefore, approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for use as aids in withdrawal from smoking, no rigorous assessment of electronic cigarettes has been undertaken and, therefore, the quality and safety of electronic cigarettes is not known (TGA 2013).

For more information, please click here.

Who does the no smoking policy affect?

All staff, students, and associates who come on to Deakin's campuses and Deakin's controlled properties must comply with this policy. As part of the approach, the policy implemented is in accordance with the University's Code of Conduct. All staff, students and associates are reminded that they must comply with University policies and procedures.

Where can I smoke?

Neither smoking nor the use of tobacco products are permitted within Deakin University campus boundaries and controlled properties. This includes motor vehicles whilst they are on campus. Smoking in a car, especially with the windows closed and/or the car is stationary, increases the health risks to the smoker and anyone else present. Once outside the boundaries of University controlled properties, smoking and use of tobacco products is subject to local laws.

Have other Universities implemented an approach like this?

As part of the coordinated initiative led by Deakin University in 2014, all Victorian universities prohibit smoking on campus. Other universities across Australia have also made the change.

What should I do if I see someone smoking on campus?

Staff and students can support this initiative by making smokers aware of Deakin’s no smoking policy in a civil and respectful way. If you're confident and comfortable, you can point to a relevant sign and say one of the following statements:

  • 'Deakin is a no smoking environment.'
  • 'Smoking has been prohibited at Deakin since 2014.'
  • 'Hi, my name is ... and I am an (employee, student) here at Deakin. I want to make you aware that smoking is prohibited on Deakin campuses. We committed to this in 2014.'

Will students, staff or associates safety be at risk if they have to leave campus grounds at night to smoke?

In line with the University's security procedure, security officers are based on all campuses of the University and will assist in providing staff, students and associates with a safe environment.

What about those living in Deakin residence?

Accommodation and living quarters on campus will have a unique arrangement which has been communicated to all current and future residents.

This consists of designated smoking areas. These designated areas are for residents only and any other persons found in these areas smoking will be asked to leave the premises.

What is the penalty for smoking?

Smoking anywhere on Deakin campuses is seen as a breach of University policy. Breaching a policy of the University can be considered as general misconduct. If the breach is reported to the Faculty Student Misconduct Committee, the person may be required to explain their conduct to the chair of that committee, and that committee can impose the penalties that are listed in the Schedule to the procedure where allegations of general misconduct are proven.

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