Bachelor of Science

2015 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2015 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2015 course information
Award granted Bachelor of Science
CampusOffered at Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Cloud CampusNo
Duration3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code083996G Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)
Deakin course codeS320

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Deakin's Bachelor of Science allows you to start with a broad science education program then specialise as you progress through the course, developing your interests and career aspirations.

Science at Deakin is not just about laboratory work, but prepares you for a range of real-life settings in which today's science graduates work. You will gain experience through practical programs undertaken in modern teaching laboratories.

The course is available as a single degree course or as a combined degree course with Arts, Commerce, Information Systems, Law and Teaching (Science).  Approved major sequences within the Bachelor of Science include Animal Biology, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Chemistry and Materials Science, Environmental Science, Freshwater Biology, Human Biology, Mathematical Modelling, Natural History and Plant Biology.  Please refer below for information on the campus of offer for major sequences.

As part of the course you will complete a Laboratory Safety and Fieldwork Induction Program.  You will also be required to complete a Community Science Project, plus you will have an opportunity to undertake an optional Industry-Based Learning placement, which will provide you with valuable work experience, giving you the opportunity to apply and consolidate what you are learning in your course, as well as experience workplace culture and workplace practices, explore career options and develop a professional network.

Units in the course may include assessment hurdle requirements.

Career opportunities

Graduates of this course may find career opportunities in government institutions, in roles such as quality assurance, occupational health and safety, research, planning, management or marketing; science related industries, working in pharmaceutical production or pharmaceutical sales; biomedical science areas such as research or hospital and laboratory science; quality assurance in analytical and diagnostic laboratories; the food industry in quality control; environment and natural resources, teaching, information technology, mathematics or science journalism to name a few.

Course rules

The course comprises a total of 24 credit points, which must include the following:

  • at least 16 credit points from science course grouped units
  • 8 core science units
  • At least one 6 credit point approved Science major sequence
  • Completion of SLE010 Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety Induction Program (0 credit-point compulsory unit)
  • Completion of STP010 Introduction to Work Placements (0 credit point unit)
  • Level 1 – up to 10 credit points
  • Level 3 - at least 6 credit points (at least 4 must be Science course grouped)

Major sequences

Refer to the details of each major sequence for availability.
Students must complete at least one major from the following areas:

Animal Biology
Cell Biology
Chemistry and Materials Science
Environmental Science
Freshwater Biology*
Human Biology
Mathematical Modelling
Natural History
Plant Biology
* The major sequence in Freshwater Biology is only available at the Warrnambool Campus. As such, students wishing to study freshwater biology are required to commence a Bachelor of Science at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus.  After one or two years of study, students must then complete the requirements of the Freshwater Biology major sequence at the Warrnambool Campus.

Course structure

Core Science Units:

SLE111Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE103Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT191Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP122Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE209Unit description is currently unavailable +

EES200Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE352Unit description is currently unavailable #

SLE010Unit description is currently unavailable *

STP010Unit description is currently unavailable *

* SLE010 and STP010 are compulsory 0-credit point units

Chemistry - choose one from:

SLE133Unit description is currently unavailable ^

SLE155Unit description is currently unavailable ^

^Note: Students who have not completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent may choose to do SLE133 Chemistry in Our World in Trimester 1.  Students who have completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent may choose to do SLE155 Chemistry for the Professional Sciences in Trimester 2.

+ Available from 2016

# Must have successfully completed STP010 Introduction to Work Placements (0 credit point unit)

Details of major sequences

Details of major sequences

Environmental Science - unit set code MJ-S000011

Burwood (Melbourne)

This major sequence focuses on the technical aspects of environmental science, and aims to provide a balance between environmental studies on the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere.

SLE102Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE239Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE231Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE202Unit description is currently unavailable

SHD301Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE322Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Plant Biology - unit set code MJ-S000070

Burwood (Melbourne)

This major sequence is ideally suited to those interested in botany and includes studies in plant morphology, identification, reproduction and evolution, as well as vegetation management and biogeography.

SLE132Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE203Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE237Unit description is currently unavailable (Tri-3)

SLE310Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE317Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE370Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Natural History - unit set code MJ-S000069

Burwood (Melbourne)

Natural history involves the study of plants and animals in their natural environment, and leans more towards observational than experimental study methods. This major sequence emphasises the biological aspects of natural history, and includes studies in zoology, botany and palaeontology.

SLE136Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE204Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE203Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE237Unit description is currently unavailable (Tri-3)

SLE370Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE395Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Mathematical Modelling - unit set code MJ-S000007

Burwood (Melbourne), Cloud (online), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

Studies in mathematical modelling provide you with a strong critical knowledge base and develops powers of analysis, logical thinking and problem solving, as well as a high level of numerical ability.

SIT192Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT291Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT292Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT396Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT399Unit description is currently unavailable

Mathematical Modelling sub-major sequence for D351 Bachelor of Teaching (Science)/Bachelor of Science students


For students who have not completed VCE Mathematical Methods 3 & 4

SIT192Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT190Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE251Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT292Unit description is currently unavailable


SIT281Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Human Biology - unit set code MJ-S000068

Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

This major sequence enables you to discover how the body works and why it works that way through studies covering a broad range of areas relevant to human biology, including physiology and genetics, and their relationship to human disease.

SLE132Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE254Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE211Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE221Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE323Unit description is currently unavailable


SLE339Unit description is currently unavailable or

SLE340Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

* Freshwater Biology - unit set code MJ-S000067


Freshwater biology is the study of freshwater ecosystems and the relationships between freshwater organisms and their physical and chemical environment. Focused on understanding and managing rivers, lakes and wetlands, you will develop the knowledge and skills to manage freshwater ecosystems and resources, whilst participating in fieldwork opportunities and industry placements. Offered as a major sequence within the Bachelor of Science, freshwater biology at Deakin focuses on real-world problem-solving, and addresses the challenges facing Australia’s freshwater systems.

* The major sequence in Freshwater Biology is only available at the Warrnambool Campus. As such, students wishing to study freshwater biology are required to commence a Bachelor of Science at the Melbourne Burwood Campus or Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus.  After one or two years of study, students must then complete the requirements of the Freshwater Biology major sequence at the Warrnambool Campus.

SLE263Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE244Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE223Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE348Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV322Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE304Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Chemistry and Materials Science - unit set code MJ-S000066

Burwood (Melbourne)

This major sequence provides students with an initial grounding in chemistry and builds towards specialised skills in materials chemistry (which involves the study and design of new materials) and electrochemistry (which deals with the interaction between electrical energy and chemical change).

SLE210Unit description is currently unavailable *

SLE214Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE235Unit description is currently unavailable (Tri-3)

SLE212Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE330Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE338Unit description is currently unavailable

* prerequisite unit applies (SLE155 Chemistry for the Professional Sciences)

Details of major sequences

Chemistry - unit set code MJ-S000009

Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

This major sequence provides an introduction to the synthesis, separation, detection and measurement of chemical substances, their properties and reactions.

SLE210Unit description is currently unavailable *

SLE213Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE214Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE229Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE316Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE318Unit description is currently unavailable

* prerequisite unit applies (SLE155 Chemistry for the Professional Sciences)

Details of major sequences

Cell Biology - unit set code MJ-S000065

Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

This major sequence provides an introduction to the molecular and biochemical basis of cells, including their physiological properties, development, function and interaction with their environment. Students will also learn about the molecular basis of disease.

SLE212Unit description is currently unavailable *

SLE254Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE206Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE222Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE346Unit description is currently unavailable


SLE340Unit description is currently unavailable or

SLE321Unit description is currently unavailable

* prerequisite unit applies (SLE155 Chemistry for the Professional Sciences)

Details of major sequences

Animal Biology - unit set code MJ-S000064

Burwood (Melbourne), Waurn Ponds (Geelong)

This major sequence provides an introduction to different aspects of animal biology including animal structure and function, evolution and evolutionary biology.

SLE132Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE204Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE205Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE315Unit description is currently unavailable

SLE350Unit description is currently unavailable (Tri-3)


SLE370Unit description is currently unavailable or

SLE372Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences