Bachelor of Engineering

2015 Deakin University Handbook

Note: You are seeing the 2015 view of this course information. These details may no longer be current.
Award granted Bachelor of Engineering
Duration4 years full-time or part-time equivalent
CRICOS course code075868E
Deakin course codeS367

Note: Offered to continuing students only.

Continuing students should contact their course advisor for further information.

Further course structure information can be found in the handbook archive.

Course sub-headings

Course overview

Deakin’s Bachelor of Engineering places great emphasis on the practical application of engineering and scientific principles to produce industry-ready engineers, who are immediately employable and capable of adapting to an ever-changing future.

You will undertake common subjects in your first year, providing you with a broad knowledge base, before choosing to specialise in civil, electrical and electronics, mechanical or mechatronics and robotics engineering.

You will learn generic skills including entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership, project management, technical report writing and presentation, and comprehension and communication, as well as develop an understanding of the ethical basis of the engineering profession and practice, contemporary technical and professional issues in the practice of engineering, and complex problems and producing innovative solutions beneficial to an organisation and society.

You will also gain a sound, fundamental understanding of the scientific principles underlying technology; learn the basic principles underlying the management of physical, human and financial resources; acquire the mathematical and computational skills necessary for solving theoretical and practical problems and for meeting future changes in technology; and gain an understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer.

An Engineering Scholars Program is available to students who achieve an ATAR of 80 and above, all of the sequences in the Bachelor of Engineering with extra opportunities for paid industry internships or research placements and mentoring from our world-class researchers or professional engineers working in industry. The Engineering Scholars Program does not include a paid scholarship; however, students are strongly encouraged to apply for scholarships.

Units in the course may include assessment hurdle requirements.

Professional recognition

Deakin’s Bachelor of Engineering is accredited by Engineers Australia, which gives the degree international recognition, allowing graduates to practise as professional engineers in many countries around the world.

Pass and honours degrees

The Bachelor of Engineering may be awarded at pass or honours level.

To be awarded the Bachelor of Engineering with honours:

  • students shall normally complete a course of study satisfying the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering, including an approved major project with a written report assessed by an internal panel; and
  • have been awarded a weighted average mark across level 2, 3 and 4 science and engineering units exceeding a minimum value determined by the Faculty Board.

The weighted average mark will be used to determine the grade of honours to be awarded.

Work experience

Before students will be deemed eligible to graduate they must obtain an aggregate of at least 12 weeks of suitable practical experience during their program. Work experience would normally be gained during the vacation periods. Further details are contained in the unit description for SEP490 Engineering Work Experience.

Engineering professional practice sequence

A series of professional practice units have been introduced as core requirements of the Bachelor of Engineering. These four units (one at each year level) are intended to enable students to increase their awareness of various generic engineering, technological and professional practice skills, and how those skills are applied in the workplace. There will be an emphasis on group activities and assessment and a focus on the 'real' world.

Equipment requirements

Cloud (online) students must have access to a personal computer with internet access and be able to run software in a Windows XP, vista or 7 environment.

Information about the hardware and software requirements may be obtained from the School of Engineering, telephone 03 9244 6699.

Attendance requirements

In order to satisfy course accreditation requirements, as specified and administered by Engineers Australia, all Cloud (online) enrolled students are required to participate in Campus learning activities equivalent to a minimum duration of one full academic week for every trimester of effective full time study in order to ensure that graduates possess and have demonstrated the minimum necessary knowledge and skill base, engineering application abilities, and professional skills, values and attitudes at successful completion of the course to be sufficiently prepared to enter professional engineering practice.

Cloud (online) enrolled students are therefore required to attend campus mode conducted activities for all units in the course (with the exception of units SEE010 and SEP490) during the corresponding Engineering Practice Week in a trimester. Engineering Practice Week is conducted in week 8 of each trimester. Attendance at campus mode activities is compulsory and failure to attend will result in a fail grade being awarded for the respective affected unit(s) for that particular trimester.

Articulation and credit transfer

Flexible entry and exit points allow students to upgrade their qualifications and to obtain credit for previous studies/experience. Applicants with appropriate TAFE qualifications or other approved post-secondary studies may apply for credit for prior learning. Credit may be considered for skills obtained in the workforce or by informal means.

Combined courses

The Bachelor of Engineering is also available as a combined courses with commerce, information technology and science.

Course rules

The course comprises a total of 32 credit points, which must include the following:

  • 30 core units and 2 Engineering elective units (this includes 2 highly recommended 4th year units SET401 and SET402 Advanced Topics 1 and 2)
  • completion of SEE010 Safety Induction Program (0 credit-point compulsory unit)
  • a maximum of 10 credit points at Level 1
  • completion of SEP490 – 12 Week Engineering Work Experience (0 credit points)
  • Campus requirement for professional practice component – Cloud (online) enrolled students MUST attend for approximately a two week period in the subjects: SEB121, SEB223, and both Campus and Cloud (online) enrolled students MUST attend SEB324 and SEJ446 (combined)

Major sequences

Refer to the details of each major sequence for availability.
Electrical and Electronics
Mechatronics and Robotics

Details of major sequences

Streams within the Bachelor of Engineering

The first level is mainly common and students enrol into a particular stream and select a major area of study at the end of the first level.

Students complete 30 core units and 2 Engineering elective units.

Details of major sequences

Civil - unit set code MJ-S000037

Civil Engineering degree gives you the building blocks to design, construct and maintain our community. Learn to plan and build the infrastructure systems that are necessary for our day-to-day life. Civil engineers are responsible for the design, construction and project management of roads, airports and railways; water supply and sewerage systems; water resources management; and buildings and other infrastructures. This course covers the broad range of civil engineering disciplines including engineering materials, structural engineering, water engineering, geotechnical engineering and transport engineering. Graduates can expect to gain employment in a wide range of organisations such as construction companies, water authorities, local government bodies, public works departments and as consulting engineers.

Level 1

Trimester 1

SEB121Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP101Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT199Unit description is currently unavailable

SED102Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE010Unit description is currently unavailable *

*Note: SEE010 is a 0 credit point safety induction unit.

Trimester 2

SEE103Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM111Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT172Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 2

Trimester 1

SEM218Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM223Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV217Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP291Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB223Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM222Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV215Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV252Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 3

Trimester 1

SEV320Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV322Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV326Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV354Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB324Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV323Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV328Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV353Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP490Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: SEP490 - 0 credit points, available in trimester 1, 2 and 3

Level 4

Trimester 1

SEJ441Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV454Unit description is currently unavailable

SEV455Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Trimester 2

SEJ446Unit description is currently unavailable (2cps)

SEV414Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Highly recommended electives:

SET401Unit description is currently unavailable

SET402Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Mechatronics and Robotics - unit set code MJ-S000040

Mechatronics and robotics is combined in one degree at Deakin, providing a broader based course and offering wider career choices. The course combines electronics, mechanical and robotics engineering, with mechanical and robotics featuring more strongly than in other programs. It offers studies in autonomous systems, robotic system design and industrial communication design. The course is tailored to industry needs and has close links through strong research programs, cutting-edge technology and facilities, and project-based learning. Students can access state-of-the-art robotics systems and program industrial robots, and through their final-level projects, gain an introduction to the emerging haptics research area. Graduates can be employed as electronic control systems engineers or robotics engineers, and work in areas including factory control, automation, and control system design.

Level 1

Trimester 1

SEB121Unit description is currently unavailable

SED102Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP101Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT199Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE010Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: SEE010 is a 0 credit safety induction unit.

Trimester 2

SIT172Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE103Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM111Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 2

Trimester 1

SEP291Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE202Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE206Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM223Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB223Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE215Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM222Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE208Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 3

Trimester 1

SEE320Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE321Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE325Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM327Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEE326Unit description is currently unavailable

SEB324Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE344Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE312Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 4

Trimester 1

SEE426Unit description is currently unavailable

SEJ441Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM433Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Trimester 2

SEJ446Unit description is currently unavailable (2cps)

SEE412Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP490Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Note: SEP490 - 0 credit points, available in trimester 1, 2 and 3

Highly recommended electives:

SET401Unit description is currently unavailable

SET402Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Mechanical - unit set code MJ-S000039

Product development and innovation are key drivers for Australian industry. To meet this need, Deakin's mechanical engineering degree brings together leading computer-aided engineering technologies and advanced materials to provide one of the most relevant mechanical engineering degrees in Australia. The automotive industry, in particular, has been involved in the design of the degree, and graduates can look forward to a high level of employment in this industry and supplier companies, as well as other leading manufacturing and design companies. The degree draws heavily on Deakin's world-class research teams in automotive engineering and advanced materials, with a practical problem solving approach that includes an opportunity to work on the Formula Society of Automotive Engineering (FSAE) race car, designed and built by our degree students. Along the way, students will develop project management, communication and financial management skills, as well as a solid understanding of product and process modelling and designing for sustainability.

Level 1

Trimester 1

SEB121Unit description is currently unavailable

SED102Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP101Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT199Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE010Unit description is currently unavailable

Note: SEE010 is a 0 credit safety induction unit.

Trimester 2

SEE103Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM111Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT172Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 2

Trimester 1

SEM218Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM212Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM223Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP291Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB223Unit description is currently unavailable

SED202Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM314Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM222Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 3

Trimester 1

SEE321Unit description is currently unavailable

SED302Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM327Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM329Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB324Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE344Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM313Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM422Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 4

Trimester 1

SEJ441Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM405Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM406Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Trimester 2

SED402Unit description is currently unavailable

SEJ446Unit description is currently unavailable (2cps)

SEP490Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Note: SEP490 - 0 credit points, available in trimester 1, 2 and 3

Highly recommended electives:

SET401Unit description is currently unavailable

SET402Unit description is currently unavailable

Details of major sequences

Electrical and Electronics - unit set code MJ-S000053

Electrical and electronic engineers are responsible for the design, construction, protection, and project management of power generation, distribution, transmission, scheduling and usage, automation and control.

This program covers the broad areas of electrical and electronic engineering disciplines including renewable electrical power generation, smart distribution, urban, industrial, rural and regional power usage, the role of energy production and efficiency in climate change This course has been designed to attract students who can be trained to fulfil the shortage of electrical and electronic engineers. It also is designed to encourage responsible use of electrical power in a changing climate. Students learn and practice on industry standard tools in world class facilities. The program also has strong links with the electrical and renewable energy engineering industry providing students a true professional engineering practice.

Level 1

Trimester 1

SEB121Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP101Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT199Unit description is currently unavailable

SED102Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE010Unit description is currently unavailable *

*Note: SEE010 is a 0 credit point induction unit.

Trimester 2

SEE103Unit description is currently unavailable

SEM111Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT194Unit description is currently unavailable

SIT172Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 2

Trimester 1

SEP291Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE207Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE202Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE206Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB223Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE215Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE205Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE208Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 3

Trimester 1

SEE307Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE321Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE320Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE309Unit description is currently unavailable

Trimester 2

SEB324Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE308Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE344Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE312Unit description is currently unavailable

Level 4

Trimester 1

SEJ441Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE405Unit description is currently unavailable

SEE406Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Trimester 2

SEJ446Unit description is currently unavailable (2cps)

SEE412Unit description is currently unavailable

SEP490Unit description is currently unavailable

Engineering elective

Note: SEP490 - 0 credit points, available in trimester 1, 2 and 3

Highly recommended elective:

SET401Unit description is currently unavailable

SET402Unit description is currently unavailable