Bachelor of Commerce

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Course structure

Compulsory 0-credit point module

To be completed in the first trimester of study:-

DAI001 Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin

Core units

MAA103Accounting for Decision Making

MAE101Economic Principles

MAF101Fundamentals of Finance

MIS171Business Analytics

MLC101Law for Commerce

MMK101Marketing Fundamentals


MWL101Professional Insight

Course elective units

Students must complete a 1 credit point Work Integrated Learning unit.

Recommended business WIL units:

MWL305Business for Social Impact

MWL316Consultancy Experience

MWL317Entrepreneurship Experience


MWL319International Consultancy Experience


another WIL unit available in the University subject to meeting unit pre-requisites.

Open elective units

Students may choose up to 7 credit points of open electives. These may constitute a second commerce major, or a major available in another Faculty (provided any pre-requisites can be met), up to two minor sequences (as above) or a combination of units (again pre-requisites allowing) chosen by the student.

These may include additional Work Integrated Learning (WIL) units offered by the Faculty or University subject to meeting pre-requisites.

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