EHU701 - Humanities Societies and Environments A

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2016 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current. [Go to the current version]
Year2016 unit information
Enrolment modes:Trimester 1: Burwood (Melbourne), Online
Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value:0.125
Unit chair:

Julie Dyer





Incompatible with:


Contact hours:

1 x 2 hour Seminar per week. Learning experiences are also via CloudDeakin.


This unit aims to prepare students to confidently teach across the Humanities disciplines such as History, Geography and Economics and interdisciplinary areas such as Civics and Citizenship offered in Years 7-10 in schools. The unit will develop students’ understanding of various elements of the AusVELS curriculum including Cross-curriculum Priorities and General Capabilities relevant to the Humanities. The unit aims to develop students’ knowledge of theoretical and practical aspects; engage with a range of pedagogical approaches and design teaching and learning sequences and assessment tools informed by research. This unit demonstrates and utilises a range of contemporary teaching and learning resources and technologies to illustrate both theoretical principles and practical strategies in Humanities.


Assessment Task 1- 50%  Humanities Teaching and Learning Report: Individual  2500 words

Assessment Task 2- 50%  Digital Resource and Learning Sequence: Partners  2500 words each

Unit Fee Information

If you are:


  • in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) - refer to Unit based calculation below.
  • an undergraduate full fee paying student - refer to Unit based calculation below.
  • postgraduate full fee paying students commenced before 2016 - refer to Unit based calculation below.
  • postgraduate full fee paying students commencing in 2016 - refer to Course based calculation below.
  • a non-award student - refer to Unit based calculation below.


  • an undergraduate, postgraduate or Higher Degree by Research student commenced before 2016 - refer to Unit based calculation below.
  • an undergraduate, postgraduate or Higher Degree by Research student commencing in 2016 - refer to Course based calculation below.
  • a non-award student - refer to Unit based calculation below.

Course based calculation

Your unit tuition fees are based on the course you are enrolled in. Please refer to the current year's course entry to estimate the unit cost.

Unit based calculation

Your tuition fees are calculated on the units you enrol in. This means your fees are based on the units you choose to study and not a fixed course price. The tuition fees for this unit are displayed in the table below:

Student Contribution Rate*Student Contribution Rate**Fee rate - Domestic Students Fee rate - International students

* Rate for all CSP students, except for those who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
** Rate for CSP students who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
Please note: Unit fees listed do not apply to Deakin Prime students.