MLL334 - Evidence

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2013 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current.
Enrolment modes:

(B, S, X)

Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value: 0.125
Cohort rule:(For Bachelor of Laws students only)
Unit chair:

T Alexander


T Alexander (B, S, X)

Prerequisite:MLL214 and MLL218
Incompatible with: Nil
Contact hours: 4 x 1 hour lectures per week


Online teaching methods require internet access. Please refer to the most current computer specifications.


The unit aims to give students an understanding of the law relating to the collection and use of information pertaining to the subject matter of criminal and civil proceedings. The rationale for the rules comprising the law of evidence and the values they reflect will also be considered. Topics include: the theoretical foundations of the rules of evidence; competence and compellability of witnesses; burden and standard of proof; privilege; examination of witnesses; the accused as a witness; similar fact evidence; documentary evidence; opinion evidence; admissions and confessions; the hearsay rule and its exceptions; illegally obtained evidence and corroboration. The unit covers the Uniform Evidence Act and common law rules.


Written Assignment 1500 words 20%, Test (Multiple Choice) 20%, Examination 2 hours 60%

Unit Fee Information

Student Contribution Rate*Student Contribution Rate**Fee rate - Domestic Students Fee rate - International students

* Rate for all CSP students, except for those who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
** Rate for CSP students who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
Please note: Unit fees listed do not apply to Deakin Prime students.