ALX720 - Minor Research Project

Unit details


2025 unit information

Enrolment modes:Trimester 1: Online
Trimester 2: Online
Credit point(s):2
EFTSL value:0.250
Unit Chair:Trimester 1: Alyson Miller
Trimester 2: Alyson Miller
Cohort rule:This unit is only available to students enrolled in A764


Incompatible with: Nil
Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - online unit enrolment:

3 x 1-hour online meeting (with advisor) per trimester in weeks 1, 5, & 11

1 x 2-hour online seminar per week (livestreamed, recordings provided)

Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 300-hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

This will include educator guided online learning activities within the unit site.


This unit enables students to undertake a two credit-point independentresearch project on a topic of their choice. At key points in the trimester,students will meet with their advisor to discuss the project and their progress. Critical projects will be 10,000-words and will be based onprimary and secondary sources. Creative projects will be comprised of a7000-words (or equivalent) creative artefact and a 3000-word researchessay or artist statement.

Learning Outcomes

ULO These are the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can:

Alignment to Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)


Design and execute a research project

GLO2: Communication

GLO6: Self-management


Develop and apply a logical and analytical approach to solving a research problem (theoretical, qualitative or practice-led)

GLO4: Critical thinking

GLO5: Problem solving


Locate, categorise, evaluate and synthesise pertinent research literature, including theoretical concepts, research techniques and technologies

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

GLO3: Digital literacy

GLO4: Critical thinking


Exercise critical thinking and judgement in regard to scholarly debates and/or creative or professional practice to synthesise and create new ideas

GLO4: Critical thinking

GLO5: Problem solving


Present findings and evidence clearly and coherently and in ways that reflect command of the genre and conventions of academic and creative research writing

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities

GLO2: Communication


Assessment Description Student output Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
Indicative due week
Assessment 1 - Research paper 10,000 words
or equivalent
100% End-of-unit assessment period 

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Learning resource

There is no prescribed text. Unit materials are provided via the unit site. This includes unit topic readings and references to further information.

Unit Fee Information

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study and their study discipline, and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place.

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current Students website.