AMC303 - Advanced Motion Capture

Unit details

Note: You are seeing the 2013 view of this unit information. These details may no longer be current.
Enrolment modes:(B)
Credit point(s):1
EFTSL value: 0.125
Unit chair:S Taylor



Online teaching methods require internet access. Please refer to the most current computer specifications.


This unit is an advanced motion capture course based on the commercial motion capture work undertaken at the Deakin Motion.Lab. The Deakin Motion.Lab has delivered a number of unique and challenging industry motion capture projects. A recent example is the Nocturnal Migration campaign for Toohey's Beer for Queensland company Altv.fx, which won a Mobius award for special effects:


This unit will provide students with an overview of commercial motion capture based on specific projects undertaken in the studio, and will work on their own motion capture projects for game, film and video or animation reels.


Written test on principles of character solving and animation for motion capture 25%

Solve/character setup 30%

Integration with CG environment 25%

Corrective animation product 20%

Unit Fee Information

Student Contribution Rate*Student Contribution Rate**Fee rate - Domestic Students Fee rate - International students

* Rate for all CSP students, except for those who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
** Rate for CSP students who commenced Education and Nursing units pre 2010
Please note: Unit fees listed do not apply to Deakin Prime students.