SRD264 - Architecture Design Studio 04: Publicscapes

Unit details


2025 unit information

Enrolment modes:Trimester 2: Waterfront (Geelong)
Credit point(s):2
EFTSL value:0.250
Unit Chair:Trimester 2: Stewart Seaton

SRD163 and SRD164

Incompatible with: SRD261
Educator-facilitated (scheduled) learning activities - on-campus unit enrolment:

1 x 2 hour lecture per week, 1 x 5 hour practical experience (studio) per week.

Typical study commitment:

Students will on average spend 300 hours over the teaching period undertaking the teaching, learning and assessment activities for this unit.

This will include educator guided online learning activities within the unit site.


Equipment Requirements: Please note students will be required to pay additional costs (not included in standard student fees) for unit related materials.


SRD264 Studio 04 Publicscapes is a studio-based unit. It comprises a series of set exercises that feed into a design problem. Studio is the central component in the education of an architect. It is the place where students do and discuss their designs. No designer works in isolation. Due to its particular complexity, urban design requires specific and continuous collaboration and cooperation. Students are expected to attend all studio sessions with all the necessary equipment.

Learning Outcomes

ULO These are the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) for this unit. At the completion of this unit, successful students can:

Alignment to Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)


Explain the architecture's role in the establishment of a sense of place through designing in a responsive and responsible manner.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: Critical thinking


Create an architectural narrative through the application of critical thinking practices to establish a position of the value of architectural design within the built environment.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO4: Critical thinking
GLO6: Self-management


Communicate an understanding of design within urban contexts in written, visual and oral formats.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication


Explain the complex relationships between the public and the private in architecture within an urban context.

GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking


Create a design synthesis by engaging in ideation through the exploration of form-making using a range of different communication techniques.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO3: Digital literacy


Explain the tectonic nature of architecture through engagement with sectional analysis, with particular focus on interior design, materiality and structure.

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO2: Communication
GLO4: Critical thinking


Assessment Description Student output Grading and weighting
(% total mark for unit)
Indicative due week
Assessment 1
Urban and site analysis report
Urban and site analysis report 30% Week 4
Assessment 2
Design project and presentation
Architectural scheme with drawings and models, plus a presentation 50% Week 12
Assessment 3
Design reflective folio
Design document 20% End-of-Unit Assessment Period

The assessment due weeks provided may change. The Unit Chair will clarify the exact assessment requirements, including the due date, at the start of the teaching period.

Learning resource

The texts and reading list for SRD264 can be found via the University Library.

Note: Select the relevant trimester reading list. Please note that a future teaching period's reading list may not be available until a month prior to the start of that teaching period so you may wish to use the relevant trimester's prior year reading list as a guide only.

Unit Fee Information

Fees and charges vary depending on the type of fee place you hold, your course, your commencement year, the units you choose to study and their study discipline, and your study load.

Tuition fees increase at the beginning of each calendar year and all fees quoted are in Australian dollars ($AUD). Tuition fees do not include textbooks, computer equipment or software, other equipment or costs such as mandatory checks, travel and stationery.

Use the Fee estimator to see course and unit fees applicable to your course and type of place.

For further information regarding tuition fees, other fees and charges, invoice due dates, withdrawal dates, payment methods visit our Current Students website.