Other funding

Other popular funding schemes

Learn more about applying for Other Research Funding Opportunities

Deakin Research Grants Services

DR Grants Application Services include:

  • Compliance Checking applications against Scheme Guidelines
    • Checking to ensure your application meets any formatting requirements, documentation requirements e.g. application attachments), all application sections are completed and comply with stated limits, and any other eligibility requirements
  • Providing Institutional and Research Office details
  • Obtaining Deakin Research Official signatures for documentation, e.g.:
    • Letters of Support
    • Endorsement Forms
    • Application Declarations
  • Application Submission to Funding Bodies
    • Portal applications linked to University accounts (e.g. ARC RMS, NHMRC Sapphire, Heart Foundation)
    • Email submission where Guidelines require applications to be submitted by the Institutional Research Office

Please note, Deakin Research Grants does not assist with application preparation, grant application development, or completion of University forms (e.g. not-Deakin Led or Co-Investment forms). If you require assistance with the preparation or completion of your application or forms, please speak with your Faculty Research Office (scroll to 'Faculty Research' section), who will be able to provide support.

Finding Opportunities through Research Professional

Deakin Research subscribes to Research Professional – a database that allows researchers to set up saved searches and email alerts for funding opportunities of direct relevance to them.  
Research Professional provides guidance sheets to help you establish your profile.  If you need additional support, please contact your faculty/institute Liaison Librarian.

The list below is intended as a guide to some of the more popular funding opportunities. There are many other awards.  Use Research Professional to find those relevant to your level of expertise and discipline.

Notification Process

Unless specified, when you find an opportunity, please lodge a Notice of Intent to Submit (NOIS) as soon as possible (preferably 20 working days prior to the external deadline). A complete application, costing tool and Grant Application Coversheet (DOC, 31KB) is required at least 10 working days prior to the external submission date for compliance check. All documents are to be sent via email to research-grants@deakin.edu.au.

These deadlines are strict, as we use application NOIS numbers to distribute workloads across our team. We require applications to be submitted 10 working days prior to the external deadline to allow sufficient time for a compliance check to be completed (please allow up to 5 business days for a compliance check to be completed), and to allow you to make any changes that may be required, prior to submission to the Funding Body. Late submission for compliance check is not acceptable, as workloads have already been distributed among our staff, and a late submission will impact their ability to complete a full compliance check of your application.

Not Deakin-led Process

DVCRI approval is now required for all Not Deakin-led applications using the appropriate form. Guidelines and request forms can be found on the Research Sharepoint Page.

  • For schemes with a two step application process (i.e. EOI and full application), please seek approval once you have been invited to submit a full application. Please ensure you discuss with the Lead Organisation/CI at the EOI stage the funding that will come to Deakin, to ensure you will meet the expectations listed in the Not Deakin-led Guidelines.


Resources to assist you in completing your application and the Grant Application Coversheet can be found on our Research Support SharePoint page. This includes:

Research Classification Codes come from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Deakin University is required to report 6 digit codes for all research.

Apply for currently advertised Australian Opportunities

NOIS due Funding Body and Scheme Complete application and coversheet
4 Sept 2024

Ecological Society of Australia

Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment (applications open on 1 September 2024)

16 September 2024
2 Sept 2024

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

Treat FTD Fund - LOI

16 September 2024
21 Aug 2024Department of Health and Aged Care

Cancer Patient Support Program Grant

Please contact Amy Antonio a.antonio@deakin.edu.au (BEI) if interested in applying for this grant opportunity.
4 September 2024
12 Aug 2024

Australian Academy of Science

2025 Early and Mid Career Researcher Mobility Grants

26 August 2024
5 Aug 202419 August 2024
31 July 2024

The Department of Education

Australia’s Economic Accelerator (AEA) Ignite

14 August 2024
31 July 2024

The Department of Education

Australia’s Economic Accelerator (AEA) Innovate

EOI only

14 August 2024

31 July 2024Osteopathy Australia
Research Foundation Grants
14 August 2024
29 July 2024


Tour de Cure

Various grants

As these are limited grant opportunities, ranking of NOIS may be required if over institutional limit. Please contact research-grants@deakin.edu.au for further information.

12 August 2024
29 July 2024


Rebecca L. Cooper Medical Research Foundation

Rebecca Cooper Fellowship

As this is a limited grant opportunity, ranking of NOIS may be required if over institutional limit. Please contact research-grants@deakin.edu.au for further information.

16 August 2024
26 July 2024The CASS Foundation

CASS Travel Awards
9 August 2024
24 July 2024Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Australia-Korea Foundation 2024
7 August 2024
11 July 2024

Novo Nordisk Foundation

Global Science Summit Programme 2024

25 July 2024
5 July 2024
Endocrine Society of Australia

ESA Research Seed Grant
19 July 2024
4 July 2024

Stroke Foundation

2025 Research Grant

18 July 2024
3 July 2024

Diabetes Australia

Research Program

17 July 2024
3 July 2024

SpinalCure Australia

Peter Farrell SpinalCure Fellowship

17 July 2024
2 July 2024
Bezos Earth Fund LLC

AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge
16 July 2024
1 July 2024
Dementia Australia Research Foundation

Grants Program
15 July 2024
1 July 2024

The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE)

2024 AINSE Early Career Researcher Grant (ECRG)

15 July 2024

Indonesia’s Bioeconomy: Maximising Sustainable Marine Biodiversity Utilisation 2024 - EOI
05 July 2024
CLOSED    28 June 2024

National Foundation for Medical Research and Innovation (NFMRI)

Alzheimer’s Disease Grant - EOI

12 July 2024

International Funding Opportunities

US Federal Government/National Institutes of Health (NIH) schemes

If you are intending to apply to a US Federal Government scheme you must advise the Grants team to ensure institutional compliance for the application. US Federal Government (including Defense, US State Department) and NIH funding opportunities require a minimum of 3 months Notice of Intent to Submit, and application is required 20 working days prior to external submission date for compliance check.

In addition, US Federal Government/NIH applicants need to be aware of, and comply with, the Financial Conflicts of Interest requirements of the US Federal Public Health Service and the National Institutes of Health.

If you intend to apply for, or be involved in a National Institutes of Health (NIH) scheme, please visit our NIH Applications webpage for further information on processes and documentation.

NOIS DeadlineSchemeInternal Deadline


Deakin University has engaged external support to increase participation in Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H). If you would like to apply to these schemes now or in the future, please get in contact with your Associate Dean of Research (with a cc to research-grants@deakin.edu.au) to discuss submitting a Letter of Intent and Full Application and receiving external support.  CDMRP and ARPA-H schemes typically have shorter deadlines, so the 3 month notice period may not be required for Expression of Interest Application. Please contact Research Grants to discuss.

NOIS DeadlineSchemeInternal Deadline
9AM Wed 7 AugustCombat Readiness - Medical Research Program
Please submit a NOIS and contact research-grants@deakin.edu.au to be put in contact with our External Application Support for CDMRP applications.
Applications must address one of the Focus Areas listed in Section II.A.1. FY24 CRRP Focus Areas, on page 5 of the Guidelines.
9AM Wed 21 August

UK and European Schemes

NOIS DeadlineSchemeInternal Deadline

Other International Schemes

NOIS DeadlineSchemeInternal Deadline

Apply for Ongoing Opportunities

NOIS due Funding Body and Scheme Complete application and signed coversheet
ASAPJDRF Australia
Expressions of interest - Type 1 diabetes clinical trial proposals.
Funding decisions are announced twice yearly in April and December.
10 working days prior to external submission
ASAPPartnership for Clean Competition Grants Program
Pre-applications due 1 Feb, 1 Aug each year
10 working days prior to external submission