Guidelines for students under 18
According to Australian immigration regulations, students under 18 years of age can study in Australia if you meet any of the following criteria:
- you are accompanied by a parent or legal custodian
- you stay with a suitable relative
- your education provider provides a written statement saying that your accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements are appropriate.
If you are an international student under 18 years of age applying to study at Deakin, you will need to demonstrate that you have adequate welfare arrangements in place before you can be granted a student visa. Your options are:
- Nominate a parent/legal custodian or a relative over 21 years to be your student guardian. The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) will assess this arrangement, or
- Arrange for Deakin University to approve your welfare arrangements in accordance with the Deakin approved guidelines for acceptable welfare and accommodation arrangements. Deakin will issue a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter and the nominated start date and end date of your welfare arrangements.
Information about the Department of Home Affairs welfare requirements for under 18 student visa applicants can be found on their website.
Deakin will only approve welfare arrangements if they meet our guidelines. Students must have an agreement with one of the Deakin approved caregiver services and homestay arranged through Australian Homestay Network (AHN). Students cannot enter Australia before the commencement of welfare arrangements. This is a student visa condition.
Students must stay in approved accommodation and have care arrangements in place until they turn 18, including any period of non-enrolment. Any changes to welfare arrangements must be approved by Deakin.
Department of Home Affairs approved welfare arrangements
- If you are able to nominate a parent/legal custodian or a relative over 21 years to be your student guardian, complete the 157N Nomination of a Student Guardian form (PDF, 291KB) if a visa is required. This person must have either Australian citizenship, permanent residency status or a temporary visa. They must remain in Australia for the duration of the student visa or until the student turns 18. If the student guardian needs to leave Australia during this time, alternative welfare arrangements will need to be put in place.
- Complete the Parents Declaration form (PDF, 177KB). Return this form and identity document/s to Deakin. The identity documents must have a signature that matches the signature on the declaration.
- Upon arrival in Australia, the student will be contacted by an International Student Support Officer at the campus where they will be studying.
- Notify Deakin if there are any changes to the parents or guardian contact details.
Deakin approved welfare arrangements
To receive a CAAW, complete the steps listed below. A completed Confirmation of Appointment of Carer form is needed before Deakin can issue a CAAW.
- If you are not able to nominate a student guardian, please make arrangements with one of the Deakin-approved caregiver services. Complete the relevant sections on the Confirmation of Appointment of Carer form (PDF, 155KB) and send this form to your nominated caregiver service and Deakin International Admissions. The caregiver service will return the completed form to you or your nominated agent.
- Complete the Homestay Application for Deakin students form.
- Complete the Parents Declaration form (PDF, 177KB) and attach identity document/s. The identity documents must have a signature that matches the signature on the declaration. Send the completed form to Deakin International Admissions.
- Once Deakin has received the completed documentation, the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) and Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter will be issued.
- Upon arrival in Australia, immediately contact the caregiver service.
- In the first week of studies, you will meet with the International Student Support Officer who will explain your obligations as an international student under 18 years of age.
- Notify Deakin if there are any changes to your parents contact details.
Deakin approved caregiver services
ISA Student Advocates
Mr Ivan McKinney
Phone: +61 3 9663 2887
Fax: +61 3 8678 1317
Mobile: +61 401 995 900
Skype: isa-ivan
Email ISA Student Advocates
Visit website
Professional Student Care (Australia) Pty Ltd
Ms Kathy Liu
Phone: 03 8863 0096
Mobile: +61 438 686 699
Email Professional Student Care Australia
Visit website
A&J Student Care Services
Mr Jessy Kakerissa
Phone: +61 3 9795 7767
Fax: +61 3 9801 2253
Mobile: +61 419 319 633
Email A&J Student Care Services
Visit website
Deakin approved homestay accommodation service
Australian Homestay Network (AHN)
Phone: (03) 9458 9000
After Hours Emergency Number: 1300 69 7829
Email Australian Homestay Network
AHN Webpage for Deakin Students
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Your local carer/guardian
Your local carer (guardian) will meet with you on a regular basis. You should discuss any concerns with your carer, or contact the carer when you need assistance (e.g. opening a bank account, going to a doctor, etc.).
If you have any concern or issue with your carer, please email us.
Changing your homestay or local carer
Please note that if you are an under 18 student with a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) arrangement, you cannot change your accommodation without prior approval from Deakin University. Changing your accommodation without prior approval may result in cancellation of CoE and CAAW by Deakin.
If you experience issues with your homestay and/or local carer, please contact the International Student Officer so they can help you with addressing the issue in a timely and sensitive manner.
If you would like to live with your relative/s as a Deakin approved homestay, this must be approved in accordance with Deakin’s guidelines for appropriate accommodation for under 18 students.
If you would like to change from Deakin approved arrangements to Department of Home Affairs approved arrangements, please refer to the Department of Home Affairs website for further details.
Please speak with your International Student Officer for further information.
Requesting a Short-term change of accommodation
If you are an under 18 student with a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW ) arrangement, you must seek approval from Deakin before you can stay overnight outside your approved homestay, no matter how short the period of overnight stay is going to be.
If you need to request to stay outside of your homestay, you must first discuss your plans with your International Student Officer and then submit your request by completing the Short-term change of accommodation form.
Please speak with your International Student Officer for further information.
Your safety and who to contact in an emergency
Deakin aims to make our campuses a safe and welcoming environment. Whilst on campus, if you or anyone is in imminent danger, contact Deakin's Security Services on 1800 062 579 or Victoria Police on 000. SafeZone is a free app that connects you directly to the Security team when you need help on campus.
In the case of an emergency off campus, please contact Victoria Police on 000 if you are in imminent danger. Your carer (guardian) should be contacted for all emergencies where there is no immediate threat. In the event that you are unable to contact your carer (guardian), contact Deakin Security on 1800 062 579.
Safer Community is a Deakin wide service that responds to reports of behaviours that are concerning, inappropriate or threatening, and allegations of sexual, physical or other abuse. Safer Community offers support to all parties involved. If you are worried about someone or something just does not feel quite right, please contact Safer Community (during office hours) for support, advice or information.
Get help or contact Deakin
Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services for international students and how we can help you study at Deakin in Australia.
Phone: +61 3 9918 9188