Could we solve two problems at once by converting end of life tyres into electricity? New Deakin REACH partnership aims to do just that
Research news
- Around two thirds of used tyres in Australia currently end up in landfill, are stockpiled or illegally dumped.
- A new partnership between Deakin’s REACH and Clean Energy Resources Geelong is working on a project that will see tyres take on new life as hydrogen, electricity and other reusable resources.
- The project will develop a technology that is a new way to generate electricity from end of life tyres without harming the environment.
Deakin University is delighted to officially welcome Geelong-based company Clean Energy Resources Geelong (CERG) as a partner in its Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub (REACH) to give tyres a new life after their time on the road.
Each year in Australia, the equivalent of 48 million tyres reach the end of their life and only 16% of these are domestically recycled. Around two thirds of used tyres in Australia end up in landfill, are stockpiled, illegally dumped or have an unknown fate.
Deakin scientist Professor Abbas Kouzani and his multidisciplinary team will work with CERG on a project that will see tyres take on new life using a unique technology to convert tyres into hydrogen, electricity, and other reusable resources.
The project leverages the team’s success in creating a solar panel recycling plant and capitalises on Deakin’s translational research skillsets and unique research facilities.
Prof. Kouzani says the development of novel scalable technologies that can address real-world problems is a significant challenge for the Australian recycling industry and one that he and his team are very enthusiastic about working on.
’Innovations in this space have potential for immediate global impact and can assist in solving a pressing environmental pollution problem,’ he explains.
While tyre recycling is happening in places around the world, including the United States, China and Turkey, what makes this project special is its focus on developing a technology that will produce no harmful emissions – not only taking us a step closer to solving one of our landfill problems but also creating a new way to generate energy without harm to the environment.
Picture above (L-R): CERG’s Steve Horvat, Tony Carr, and Sean Jacobs with Deakin scientist Professor Abbas Kouzani
Clean Energy Resources Geelong representative Tony Carr says the end-of-life tyres pilot-plant will be the first stage in CERG’s circular economy vision to tackle the global challenges of clean electricity production, waste management, and recycling.
‘This project is the culmination of 30 years of work by members of the CERG team and research across the world in recycling, which in the past 10 years has focused on zero emissions solutions for the problems the world faces with all forms of waste.’
Backed by a $50 million grant from the Australian Government’s inaugural Trailblazer Universities Program, with industry and university support taking the total project value to $380 million, REACH is facilitating the development of greener supply chains and accelerating business success as markets move from a throughput economy to a circular economy.
If you have a great idea about how Deakin could help you create greener supply chains and accelerate the move to a circular economy, contact us at
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Key Fact
Deakin has welcomed Clean Energy Resources Geelong (CERG) as a partner in its Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub (REACH).