Feedback or complaint form

As a research participant at Deakin, you’re part of a high-quality, ethically sound project. We value your feedback on how well we met your expectations. If you have feedback or a complaint, please fill out the form below.

Project details

Please provide as much detail as possible about the project, including the reference number, title and researcher names from the Plain Language Statement. If you don't have these details, you can still submit the form.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Are you a

Would you like us to contact you regarding your feedback/complaint? * Deakin University is collecting your personal information on this form for the primary purpose of responding to your feedback/complaint. You are not required to share your name or contact details, however if this information is not provided, Deakin may not be able to respond to you. Deakin manages personal information it holds, including requests by individuals for access to their personal information, in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic). Deakin's Privacy Policy may be viewed on Deakin's Policy Library. Information on privacy at Deakin is available here. Questions about privacy may be directed to the Privacy Officer on (03) 5227 8524 or by email to

Complaints handling process * Researchers who receive a complaint about their project will report that complaint to Research Ethics and Integrity in writing as soon as possible. Where the complaint is submitted using this form, it will be received by Research Ethics and Integrity staff. The person responsible for handling complaints will be informed as soon as possible upon its receipt, and the researcher(s) are requested to formally respond. Follow up (where requested) will be provided as soon as possible. As required, the matter may be escalated to the Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee (DUHREC) Chair. The related project may then be audited. The researcher'(s) response is considered by the DUHREC Chair and committee and/or other relevant parties who will then make recommendations. The person handling the complaint will share the outcome with the researcher(s) and you (where requested). A comprehensive record will be kept of the complaint, its handling, resolution and report to DUHREC.