Career benefits

We want you not to just succeed in your role but to advance your career to new heights. That's why we provide a range of opportunities such as staff development programs, study support and career workshops to help you achieve your professional goals.

Staff development program

Whether your focus is leadership, teaching, research, professional or personal growth, you have access to a range of opportunities to grow your skills and progress your career at Deakin. At Deakin we offer a variety of development programs for both academic and professional staff.

All Deakin staff have access to a range of career development opportunities such as:

  • study support
  • Mentoring Partnership Program
  • workshops on topics such as personal growth and wellbeing, leadership development and mentoring
  • online courses, programs and tutorials available through FutureLearn and LinkedIn Learning
  • Academic staff have access to these additional development opportunities:

  • academic study program
  • work allocation and study program
  • Deakin Early Career Academic Futures Research Peer Mentoring Program
  • teaching and learning resources, including the Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Learning and Teaching.

Deakin also offers a comprehensive academic promotion program to enable academic career development and progression.

Secondment opportunities

Secondment opportunities

At Deakin we are always looking at ways of offering secondment (internal mobility) opportunities for staff to grow and support their career development goals. Vacancies that are fixed-term appointments could potentially be an opportunity for a current staff members to grow their skills and knowledge at the University with the support of their manager.

Vice-Chancellor's Awards

Vice-Chancellor's Awards

Each year the Vice-Chancellor confers a number of awards on staff (both individuals and groups) in recognition of their excellent contribution to the University. Awards are categorised under the four key themes of the University's strategic plan: education and employability, research and innovation, communities, and ways of working.

Supporting your study

Professional staff looking to undertake further study relevant to their role may be eligible for support in the form of study leave and fee reimbursement. Meanwhile, academic study programs give academic staff the opportunity to enhance their professional development and further develop their research or teaching.

Grow your career

Deakin provides opportunities to develop your leadership and management skills through a learning and network program for leaders, and courses to support your leadership aspirations.

Contact the People Services team

For more information on careers at Deakin, please contact us.
+61 3 5247 9999

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