The role of the Teaching and Learning Committee
The Teaching and Learning Committee is responsible for:
- proposing, monitoring and advising on academic standards and quality relating to teaching and learning, including principles of student selection and admission, progression, retention, assessment and academic integrity, the teaching and learning environment, and academic aspects of the student experience
- proposing, monitoring, reviewing and advising on strategic initiatives related to teaching and learning and the student experience
- initiating and monitoring compliance with relevant legislation, policies and procedures and overseeing their implementation, focusing on student-related academic matters and the relevant teaching and learning sections of the Academic Policy Framework
- considering reports from faculties, institutes and other areas in relation to quality improvements in the teaching and learning environment.
- Two members of the Academic Board (appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board, one shall be chair and one shall be deputy chair)
- Associate Dean Teaching and Learning (ADTL) of each faculty
- Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning
- Pro Vice-Chancellor Graduate Employment or nominee
- One coursework undergraduate student of the University appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board
- One coursework postgraduate student of the University appointed by the Chair of the Academic Board
- Dean of Students
- Executive Director, Student Services
- A representative from the National Indigenous Knowledges Education Research Innovation (NIKERI) Institute, who is responsible for teaching and learning, nominated by the Director of NIKERI for a period of three years
- Director, Academic Governance and Standards
- One Director, Faculty Services, appointed by the Chair for a period of three years
- Teaching and learning academic staff representative from each faculty who is actively teaching, preferably with experience in admission, selection or progress, nominated by the Faculty ADTL for a period of three years
- Co-opted members (the Committee may co-opt up to four additional members at any given time for a period of up to one year. The co-option may be renewed on an annual basis)
- Standing invitations with right of audience and debate
Further information
Staff may log in for further information on the Teaching and Learning Committee.
Contact us
For further information and enquiries please email the Secretary
Professor Anthony Mills
Deputy Chair
Professor Amanda Mooney