Academic Board

The Academic Board plays a key role in the governance of the University. It has oversight of academic regulatory risk, and institutional monitoring of academic standards, quality, excellence and policy.

The role of the Academic Board

The Academic Board is the principal academic authority within Deakin. It ensures that academic staff, professional staff and students are represented, and embodies collegiality within Deakin University.

The Academic Board is responsible for maintaining the highest standards in teaching, learning and research. It fulfils these responsibilities by:

    • advising on matters of an academic nature
    • managing the Academic Board’s own affairs
    • contributing to quality improvement
    • promoting academic engagement and uphold and promote academic freedom
    • establishing and maintaining academic standards
    • course approval and review
    • establishing admission and selection requirements
    • recommending conferral of awards
    • oversight of student integrity, progression and academic appeals.

Members of the Academic Board

The Academic Board is made up of:

  • 16 official members
  • 32 staff members, elected from the four faculties and associated institutes
  • one member elected by and from the professors of the University
  • two members elected by professional staff
  • one member co-opted to the Academic Board
  • three members elected by and from the students.

Learn more about Academic Board elections (student or staff login required)

Academic Board Committees

The Academic Board has established a number of standing committees. The committees undertake the detailed work of the Board, and provide it with informed advice and recommendations on specific matters associated with their particular portfolios.

These are the:

Further information

Staff may log in for further information on:

Contact the Academic Board

Chair of the Academic Board
Deakin Distinguished Professor Judy Currey
Email the Chair

Deputy Chair of the Academic Board
Deakin Distinguished Professor Doug Creighton

Secretary to the Academic Board
Janelle Smeelie
+61 3 5227 1268
Email the Secretary

Executive Assistant
Marise Wilson
+61 3 5227 8561
Email the Executive Assistant