From the Vice-Chancellor (Alumni newsletter - Edition 1 2017)

Alumni news
17 January 2017

Welcome to this first edition of the dKin Times for 2017.

The year is still young and as the clock ticks over to start a new year, it prompts us both to celebrate and to reflect – to assess how we did and to resolve to do better as we go forward. The symbolism of the New Year is common to all cultures and is reflected across history. The Babylonians would return borrowed objects, Jews seek, and offer, forgiveness and the Scots go "first footing," visiting neighbours to wish them well. In China, fireworks celebrate the coming of the New Year as well as drive out evil. In my family we have a tradition of having a last swim and then toasting the hope of a new year as the sun sets on the western side of Australia. The world over, family and the sharing of food are common to all celebrations. Many Australians will also celebrate the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival on January 28 the first day of the New Year in the Chinese calendar.

With the coming of the New Year, I encourage you to revitalise your connection with Deakin and help us welcome new graduates to the Deakin family. Wherever you may be in the world, join one of our alumni chapters and become part of an engaged community of industry professionals and researchers. Whether you are a seasoned executive or a new graduate, it’s an important opportunity to make new contacts and nurture existing connections. Check we have your current details online.

If you are thinking of study in 2017, take advantage of the benefits and services we offer our alumni, especially our Postgraduate bursary. Stay connected and get involved; we have many wonderful events, the first two for the year are in Warrnambool (Superfoods or Supermyths, presented by Dr Tim Crowe) and Melbourne (The ALLPlay Program Presented by Professor Nicole Rinehart.) 

I also encourage you to consider giving back to the university that gave you a head-start by giving to Deakin’s Open Minds, Open Possibilities Fund. When a crisis occurs in the world, there’s always an immediate need for emergency assistance and it’s essential that the first to be deployed are equipped to step up in the crisis, to save lives and to deliver the outcomes that will lay the foundation for a secure future. By supporting Open Minds, Open Possibilities and the Humanitarian Leadership Program you will be putting humanitarian leaders on the ground, where help is needed most.

And finally – very best wishes for a wonderful 2017, I hope it will bring you fulfilment and success. Enjoy reading our monthly alumni newsletter – it’s a great way to keep in touch with Deakin and hear the latest news and research.

Jane den Hollander
President and Vice-Chancellor

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