Religious studies


As communities become more diverse and complex, the need for cross-cultural religious literacy and expertise grows. Contribute to the increasing dialogue among the largest religions of the world by exploring a range of viewpoints and methodologies.

Choose a course that will get you work ready

Understanding religion has seldom been as important as it is today. Religious studies at Deakin is a multidisciplinary major that looks at religion from diverse viewpoints, including anthropology, philosophy, sociology, literary and cultural studies. With professional work experience opportunities and overseas learning and exchange programs, you'll be well prepared for an exciting career in a range of industries.


Undergraduate (your first degree)

An undergraduate degree is generally completed between two to four years, depending on the pattern of study and any recognition of prior learning you may have. Associate degrees, bachelor and bachelor with honours are all undergraduate degrees.


Higher Degrees by Research (supervised research)

Research degrees are research based master’s or PhD programs that focus on a single area of expertise. They provide students the opportunity to carry out highly specialised research under expert supervision.

Career opportunities

Understanding different cultural and religious perspectives, and the ability to analyse multiple perspectives is an invaluable skill in our global society. Graduates of religious studies find employment in :

  • the education sector
  • publishing
  • government agencies
  • cultural institutions
  • multicultural associations
  • media organisations
  • NGOs
  • the public service
  • the marketing and tourism industries.
Travel across the globe

Travel across the globe

Experience new cultures, create networks across the world and gain credit towards your degree with a global mobility experience. You could find yourself in India experiencing a cultural immersion in Buddhist philosophy with Tibetan monks.

Research with us

Islam and Buddhism. If you're interested in further studies in religion, then a higher degree by research could be for you.

Recent Deakin research

Australia’s Generation Z Study
Anna Halafoff and Andrew Singleton are completing an ARC-funded national study of how teens negotiate religion, spirituality sexuality and diversity.

Tibet's Rivers and the Anthropocene
John Powers is lead investigator on an ARC Discovery project comprising a multidisciplinary team of scientists and historians examining Tibet's environmental past from a variety of perspectives to develop a comprehensive comparator for present developments.

Learn more about researching with us