Deakin's strategic direction

Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact is the University’s plan for realising the best future for its communities. Through innovation and excellence in education and research, we generate ideas that enhance social, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing.

Realising our best future

Deakin’s strategic plan sets out an optimistic future powered by ideas and framed by five Impact Themes that act as our compass for navigating opportunities and decisions.

Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact demonstrates a commitment to lifelong learning and employability, discovery and creativity, digital capability, social justice, inclusivity and the strength of diversity. Through our balanced excellence in education and research, we create a rich and complex ideas ecosystem that delivers lasting value for our students, partners and communities.

Learn more about our strategic plan (PDF, 1.8MB)

Deakin's strategic plan on a page (PDF, 228.2KB)


Our innovation and excellence in both education and research generate ideas that transform lives and communities. We will be Australia’s most progressive and responsive university, leading in blending digital capability with our distinctive campus precincts. We will leverage strong partnerships to maximise the social, cultural and economic impact we deliver regionally, nationally and globally.

Impact themes

These five Impact themes are our compass, helping us navigate opportunities and decisions.

  • Advancing society, culture and the economy
  • Building safe and secure communities
  • Creating smarter technologies
  • Enabling a sustainable world
  • Improving health and wellbeing

Commitment to Indigenous Australians

Deakin is committed to Reconciliation and Treaty, advancing the educational aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and moving Indigenous Knowledges into the mainstream of Australian life. All our endeavours aim to reflect Australia’s full history and seek to build an inclusive future.

Annual report

Our annual report addresses statutory requirements and updates the community on our activities and outcomes.

Deakin’s Business School was the first in Australia to develop a focus on integrated reporting to improve transparency and trust in reporting. We've put this research into practice by using integrated reporting principles for our annual report. We're the first Australian university to do so and one of few in the world. Our annual report has been designed and formatted to meet the ISO standard for a universally accessible PDF.

The Deakin Enablers are:

  • Students – the heart of Deakin and our partners to create successful learning, rewarding experiences and engaging and inclusive communities
  • Staff – our knowledge creators empowered to learn, develop, excel and inspire others
  • Friends and alumni – our relationships with our friends and alumni are integral to our success now and in the future
  • Partnerships – our relationships with academic, community and industry partners and with government are also integral to our success now and in the future
  • Digital technology – our innovative digital capabilities that seamlessly connect blended online and on-campus activities
  • Campus infrastructure – our welcoming and contemporary campuses that practise and promote sustainability
  • Smart and efficient working – our processes enable our staff and students to achieve their best and support our partnerships
  • Financial sustainability – our funding, grants, fees and donations and sound financial management.

We invite readers’ comments by emailing Does the report give you a clear picture of Deakin’s work? Is there other information you would like to see? Do you get an understanding of how Deakin is responding to the major challenges facing our community?

We welcome your feedback.

Download the 2023 Annual Report (PDF, 11.7MB)

Download 2023 consultant payments details (PDF, 135KB)

Our quality and standards

We're committed to quality and accountability in all our operations. This ensures there are appropriate  processes in place to maintain and enhance the quality and integrity of our research, our teaching and learning and how we engage with the communities we serve.

Academic study programs and integrity

We maintain the quality, standard and integrity of our academic programs through our policies, as well as by planning, conducting surveys, analysing business intelligence data and ensuring we comply with Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) requirements.

Research integrity and safety

We provide our researchers with induction, training and support in: research integrity; human research and animal ethics; and biosafety, biosecurity and radiation safety.

University information and publications

Indigenous Student Success Program

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet provides supplementary funding to universities to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander university students to take on the demands of university and succeed. This supplementary funding is provided through the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP), which commenced on 1 January 2017.

The Department requires universities to report on the performance and expenditure of the Indigenous Student Success Program, and to publish report documents on the University’s website.

2022 reports

Download the 2022 ISSP Acquittal (PDF, 686KB)

Download the 2022 ISSP Performance Report (PDF, 939KB)

2020 reports

Download the 2020 ISSP Acquittal (PDF, 1.9 MB)

Download the 2020 ISSP Performance Report (PDF, 442.9KB)

2019 reports

Download the 2019 ISSP Acquittal (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Download the 2019 ISSP Performance Report (PDF, 387.3KB)

Indigenous Education Statement

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) requires information from Universities relating to outcomes and future plans to meet their ongoing responsibilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student achievement in higher education.

These responsibilities include assessing and reporting on progress towards improved educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as set out in the goals of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Policy.

Download the statement (PDF, 584.5KB)

Deakin Indigenous Strategy 2023–2028

The Deakin Indigenous Strategy 2023–2028 aligns with the University’s overall strategic vision, as articulated in Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact. Improving the experiences of Indigenous Australians is the responsibility of everyone. Together, we will work to move Indigenous Knowledges into the fabric of Australian life, creating a harmony of voices and ethos, and a shared vision for the future.

The Deakin Indigenous Strategy sets out principles and priorities to guide us in a journey of continuous uplift, and actions to prompt us along on our path. It fosters increased participation and success in higher education for Indigenous Peoples. It recognises that Indigenous Knowledges should be a shared heritage for all Australians; setting cultural intelligence as an attribute that every Deakin graduate will take into their professional and community life. It asks Deakin University to be an employer of choice for Indigenous staff where they can achieve their full potential. It builds strong respectful relationships with Traditional Custodians and Indigenous Communities that enrich us all. Critically, it requires all of Deakin to commit to and participate in this crucial work.

Download the strategy (PDF, 3.2MB)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy

The Strategy represents Deakin's long-term goal to significantly improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment at Deakin. We are committed to improving the education and employment outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and to building stronger relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. Every manager shares the responsibility for helping Deakin University to deliver on this commitment.

Download the employment strategy (PDF, 945.4KB)

Deakin's operations

Deakin is required by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency to provide a repository of information about its operations.

Download the repository of information (PDF, 153KB)