Doctor of Medicine selection changes

GPA calculation changes

Deakin recognises that the COVID disruption has affected many students in their learning, and that study results awarded in 2020 may not necessarily reflect students' abilities.

The School of Medicine has carefully considered all options regarding these disruptions and believe the most equitable and transparent approach to assessing all applicants to the Doctor of Medicine is a change to the calculation of the grade point average (GPA) – one of the criteria for admission in to the course.

As a result, the calculation of the GPA will change, and won't include students' 2020 results.

To compensate for the removal of 2020 results, greater weighting will be given to applicants' most recent year of study prior to 2020. Both the GPA and GAMSAT results are used to determine eligibility for an interview prior to final ranking for a place in the medical program.

GPA calculations explained

2020 calendar-year results will not be used in the GPA calculation. The below outlines how the GPA will be calculated for applicants at the different stages of studies.

  • Applicants completing their qualifying degree in 2020 will have a GPA calculated based on their two most recent years of study prior to 2020.
  • Applicants studying in the final year of their qualifying degree in 2020 who have completed at least 0.25 FTE (full-time equivalent) of their final-year requirements prior to 2020, will have their GPA calculated as: Final - 2 x1, Final - 1 x2 and Final x3 / 6.
  • Applicants studying in the final year of their qualifying degree in 2020 who have completed less than 0.25 FTE (full-time equivalent) of their final-year requirements, will have their GPA calculated from the Final - 1 and Final - 2 years only. Years will be progressively weighted x5 and x1 / 6 to give greater weight to the most recent results.
  • For applicants currently studying a standalone honours degree, the final-year GPA will be calculated using numerical subject grades if at least 0.25 FTE (2 units) was available prior to 2020. If results are not available, the GPA will be calculated on the final 2 years of study in their undergraduate degree with the x1 and x5 / 6 weighting applied. Applicants should note that results for all 2020 calendar year enrolled subjects will not be used (regardless of subject or degree completion/conferral in 2021).
  • The most recent three years of full-time study will be used for the GPA calculation.   If your most recent eligible degree is less than 3 FTE worth of study, the results from your next most recent eligible degree will be used to make up the remainder of the 3 FTE.
  • Graduate Certificates, Graduate Diplomas and Masters by coursework qualifications successfully completed by 31 July in the year of application will be used towards GPA calculations.

The approach of not including 2020 results in the GPA calculation will continue to impact selection for a period of 10 years.

Please review the GEMSAS Admissions Guide and GPA calculations guides on the GEMSAS website for more information. Standard calculation of GPA for applicants to Deakin is:

Final year x 3 + Final year minus 1 x 2 + Final year minus 2 x 1 / 6 = weighted GPA

This weighting is based on calendar year of study, not academic level of each subject.

In 2020, the calculation of GPA for applicants in their final year of study was as follows:

2018 (Final minus 2)2019 (Final minus 1)2020 (Final)
X 1 X 5 0

For applicants who were undertaking studies in 2020, the GPA will be calculated as follows:

2019 (Final minus 2)2020 (final minus 1)2021 (final minus 1)
X 1 X 0 X 5
2020 (Final minus 2)2021 (final minus 1)2022 (final minus 1)
X 0 X 1 X 5

For any applicants completing 0.25 FTE (2 credit points) or greater in their final year in 2021, and have completed a full credit point load prior to 2020, their GPA will be calculated as follows:

2018 (Final minus 2)2019 (Final minus 1)2020 2021 (0.25 FTE or >) (Final)
X 1 X 2 0 X 3

Ungraded passes will not be included in the GPA calculation.

2019 (Final minus 2)2020 (Final minus 1)2021 (Final)
1FTE of credit from prior study.  If ungraded passes, a GPA cannot be calculated 1FTE of ungraded passes may be awarded by Institutions due to COVID.  A GPA cannot be calculated. A GPA will be calculated on the 2021 results.Weighting x 1


The Multi Mini Interview (MMI) will be held online via Zoom in the week of 9 September 2024. Applicants will be provided with further details when invited to an interview.

The MMI will consist of 6 x 5-minute stations addressing:

  • Communication skills
  • Commitment to rural and regional practice
  • Teamwork
  • Self-directed learning
  • Professionalism
  • Social justice.

More information

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