Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary)

Undergraduate degree

Translate your passion for science into a career that inspires others. Graduate as a qualified secondary school educator with two degrees in four years.


66.9 ATAR lowest selection rank ?

Student access and equity

63 Deakin guaranteed ATAR ?

Check if you are eligible and how to apply

4 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Course overview

Translate your passion for the study of sciences into a career that inspires others with a Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary) at Deakin. Create unique course combinations with science specialisations and graduate as a qualified secondary school educator.

This industry-led combined course allows you to fast-track your studies and graduate with two degrees in just four years. You will explore a broad range of science disciplines before focusing on a specialisation.

At the same time, develop the attributes, discipline-specific knowledge and professional behaviours required to practise as a secondary school teacher in Australia. Learn by doing and build practical experience through hands-on lab work, professional placements, work-integrated learning and international study experiences.

Are you ready to join one of Australia’s largest growing professions?

Start with Deakin’s Bachelor of Science and choose two science teaching areas that will lead to your postgraduate specialisations. Create unique course combinations that when paired with teaching core units, customise your degree and boost your employability. Study disciplines including:

  • biology or general science
  • chemistry or general science
  • environmental science or general science
  • food science
  • mathematics.

During your postgraduate studies, Deakin’s Professional Experience Program is a key part of your course, ensuring you have the practical skills needed from day one of your teaching career. Working with more than 1,400 schools across Australia, we will arrange at least 60 days of placements for you in schools where you will learn from experienced teachers. You will have access to specialised teaching spaces on campus to prepare for teaching.

Take part in our study abroad and work-integrated learning programs and gain invaluable experience you won’t find in the classroom. You’ll have the opportunity to be a part of our Global Science and Technology Program* or develop industry-relevant skills through our professional learning placements.

Before beginning your Master of Teaching, prospective education students need to successfully complete the Casper test – an online, video scenario-based test that lets you demonstrate your suitability for a teaching career.

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Key dates

Direct applications to Deakin for Trimester 1 2025 close 16 February 2025

Current Deakin Students

To access your official course details for the year you started your degree, please visit the handbook

Course information

Award granted

Bachelor of Science / Master of Teaching (Secondary)


2025 course information

VTAC code
1400510311 - Burwood (Melbourne), Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)
Deakin code
CRICOS code?
089567C Burwood (Melbourne)
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) recognition

The award conferred upon completion is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework at Level 7/9

Course structure

To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary), students must complete a total of 36 credit points consisting of 24 credit points from the Bachelor of Science and 12 credit points from the Master of Teaching (Secondary), which must include the following:

Bachelor of Science studies

Students must complete 24 credit points from the Bachelor of Science, including:

  • 7 credit points of core units, including 1 credit point of Mathematics as follows;
    • SIT190 Introduction to Functions, Relations and Graphs or;
    • SIT191 Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis.
      Note: that students undertaking D304 are not required to undertake SLE209 Science and Society – core unit in the single degree S320 Bachelor of Science
  • 2 credit points of Chemistry units as follows:
    • Students who have not completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent take SLE133 and SLE155
    • Students who completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent take SLE155 and 1 credit point elective (must be Science course grouped)
  • One approved Bachelor of Science major sequence of at least 6 credit points selected from:
    • One of Animal Biology, Cell Biology and Genomics, Human Biology or Plant Biology
    • Chemistry
    • Environmental Science
    • Food Science
    • Mathematical Modelling
  • 5 credit points of Science course grouped elective units chosen from a second Bachelor of Science major listed above*
  • Students must complete all three compulsory 0-credit point units to graduate from their course:
    • DAI001 Academic Integrity and Respect at Deakin (0-credit-point compulsory unit).
    • SLE010 Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety Induction Program (0 credit point compulsory unit) and;
    • STP010 Career Tools for Employability (0 credit point unit)
  • 4 credit points selected from:
    • EDU201 Educational Psychology
    • EDU202 Educators and Learners
    • EDU203 Literacy, Numeracy and Education
    • EDU303 Education, Communication and Technology
    • EDU301 Culture, Diversity and Participation in Education
    • EDU302 Education and Humanitarian Development
  • Level 3 - at least 6 credit points

Following successful completion of the first 3 undergraduate levels of the course, students with a Weighted Average Mark (WAM) above 60 progress to the postgraduate level of the course. Students cannot progress to the postgraduate level of study without completing all 24 credit points at undergraduate level. A WAM of less than 60 results in an alternative exit from D304 with award S320 Bachelor of Science.

A Working with Children Check and completion of Casper selection is required before commencing any units from the Master of Teaching (Secondary).

* Students wishing to pursue studies in Geography should discuss unit selections with their enrolment officer

Master of Teaching (Secondary) studies

Students must complete 12 credit points from the Master of Teaching (Secondary), including:

  • 7 core units (8 credit points)
  • 2 curriculum study units in first teaching specialist area
  • 2 curriculum study units in second teaching specialist area
  • Students must complete both compulsory 0-credit-point units for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE)
    • ELN010 Australian Literacy Test (0-credit-point compulsory unit)
    • ELN011 Australian Numeracy Test (0-credit-point compulsory unit)

Students are required to complete two zero (0) credit point units ELN010 and ELN011 as part of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) in order to graduate from their course.

Students are expected to attempt the tests within the first year of their course. Students who do not attempt the tests within their first year may be unable to progress with their studies until an attempt has been made. 

This course includes 60-days of supervised professional experience, and students must successfully complete the Deakin Teaching Performance Assessment. Successful completion of this course indicates that a student has met the expected standard of performance for each of the Graduate Teacher Standards.

Bachelor of Science structure

Core Units

  • Laboratory and Fieldwork Safety Induction Program (0 credit points)
  • Career Tools for Employability (0 credit points)
  • Ecology and the Environment
  • Cells and Genes
  • Essential Skills in Science
  • Physics for the Life Sciences
  • Communicating Science Ideas
  • Choose one from:

  • Community Science Project
  • or

  • Professional Practice
  • ~Mathematics choose one from:

  • Introduction to Functions, Relations and Graphs
  • or

  • Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
  • Plus 2 credit points of Chemistry as follows:

    For students who have not completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent:

  • Chemistry for the Professional Sciences (^)
  • Chemistry in Our World
  • or

    For students who completed Year 12 Chemistry or equivalent:

  • Chemistry for the Professional Sciences (^)
  • 1 elective unit (science course grouped)

    ^Assumed knowledge: SLE133 Chemistry in our World or high achievement in VCE Chemistry 3 and 4 (or equivalent).

    Please note: SLE155 Chemistry for the Professional Sciences is a required prerequisite when undertaking the Cell Biology and Genomics and Chemistry majors.

    Major sequences - Refer to the details of each major sequence for availability

    Students must complete 6 credit points from one of the following:

    One of Animal Biology , Cell Biology and Genomics, Human Biology, or Plant Biology


    Environmental Science

    Food Science

    Mathematical Modelling

    Plus 5 credit points of Science course grouped elective units chosen from a second Bachelor of Science major listed above*

    *Note: Students wishing to pursue studies in Geography should discuss unit selections with their enrolment officer.

    Plus 4 credit points selected from:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Educators and Learners
  • Literacy, Numeracy and Education
  • Culture, Diversity and Participation in Education
  • Education and Humanitarian Development
  • Education, Communication and Technology
  • Master of Teaching (Secondary) structure

  • Australian Literacy Test (zero (0) credit points)
  • Australian Numeracy Test (zero (0) credit points)
  • 7 core units (8 credit points)

  • Language, Literacies and Learning
  • Numeracy, Social Justice and New Pedagogies
  • Health, Wellbeing and Inclusive Education
  • Promoting Student Wellbeing
  • Professional Experience Placement Units*

    (*please note unit rules for order in which these must be completed)

  • Orientation to the Teaching Profession (replaces EPR731)
  • Building Capacity in Professional Experience (replaces EPR732)
  • Reflecting On Practice in Professional Experience (2 credit points, replaces EPR735)
  • Plus 

    2 Secondary Curriculum Studies units in a first teaching method area


    2 Secondary Curriculum Studies units in a second teaching method area

    Secondary Curriculum Study Units

    All Secondary candidates will have 2 methods (disciplines) as reflected in their undergraduate major and minor sequences related to the Australian Curriculum.

    Candidates undertake 2 curriculum studies units (as prescribed) per method (4 units for dual/double), across 1 or 2 learning areas.

    Note: D304 permits a choice between learning areas 2 or 3 from the Secondary Curriculum learning areas of 1:English, 2:Mathematics, 3:Science, 4:Humanities, 5:Languages, 6:Health and PE, 7:The Arts.

    Learning Area 2: Mathematics

    Single method: Mathematics

  • Mathematics Curriculum Inquiry
  • Mathematics Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Learning Area 3: Science

    Single method: One of Science, Biology, Chemistry, Env. Science

  • Science Curriculum Inquiry
  • Plus one of

  • Biology Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Chemistry Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Environmental Science Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • General Science Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Dual method: Two of Science, Biology, Chemistry, Env. Science

  • Science Curriculum Inquiry
  • Sustainability and Environmental Education
  • Plus two of

  • Biology Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Chemistry Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Environmental Science Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • General Science Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Learning Area 6: Health and PE

    Single method: Home Economics

  • Home Economics Curriculum Inquiry
  • Home Economics Curriculum Inquiry Senior Years
  • Intakes by location

    The availability of a course varies across locations and intakes. This means that a course offered in Trimester 1 may not be offered in the same location for Trimester 2 or 3. Check each intake for up-to-date information on when and where you can commence your studies.

    Trimester 1 - March

    • Start date: March
    • Available at:
      • Burwood (Melbourne)

    Deakin splits the academic year into three terms, known as trimesters. Most students usually undertake two trimesters each year (March-June, July-November).

    Course duration

    Course duration may be affected by delays in completing course requirements, such as failing of units or accessing or completing placements.

    Mandatory student checks

    Students will be required to hold a valid Working with Children (WWC) Check prior to undertaking professional placements as part of this course in Year 3, Trimester 3. Learn more about Working with Children Checks.

    Interstate applicants must check the requirements and meet all conditions for undertaking professional experience in schools for their state or territory before undertaking professional experience placements as part of this course.

    Inherent requirements

    It is expected that all students will be able to abide by, and ensure their behaviour is in accordance with the Victorian Institute of Teaching Code of Conduct.


    Immunisation and/or vaccination requirements will be communicated by the Professional Experience Office in line with the Department of Education and Training's directions at the time of placement.

    For further information contact the School of Education, Professional Experience Office.

    Teacher Education Graduation requirements

    Students undertaking an initial teacher education course must pass an approved literacy and numeracy test in order to be eligible to graduate and apply for teacher registration. Learn more about the literacy and numeracy test.

    Participation requirements

    Professional Experience Placements are a compulsory component of the course and a requirement for registration as a graduate teacher. Placement can occur at any time, including during standard holiday breaks. Learn about key dates at Deakin.

    Reasonable adjustments to participation and other course requirements will be made for students with a disability. More information available at Disability support services.

    Students are required to check the placement calendars published on the Professional Experience Office website each year. Placement takes priority over employment and placement periods are generally block placements of 5 full-time days per week over 2-5 weeks.

    Course delivery is blended and students are required to dedicate time to weekly engagement with located or online teaching and learning activities and resources. This is recommended at combined total 8-10 hours per week per unit including active learning/engagement either face to face or online, and independent study.

    Some units will require students to attend schools or institutions for site-based learning and teaching experiences. Some units will require students to attend schools or institutions for site-based learning and teaching experiences. Some units can only be completed face to face at Burwood or as online study. Students are advised to check the unit delivery options for each required unit.

    Entry requirements

    Selection is based on a holistic consideration of your academic merit, work experience, likelihood of success, availability of places, participation requirements, regulatory requirements, and individual circumstances. You will need to meet the minimum academic and English language proficiency requirements to be considered for selection, but this does not guarantee admission.

    A combination of qualifications and experience may be deemed equivalent to minimum academic requirements.

    If you don't meet the academic entry requirements as outlined in the tabs below, or haven't completed Year 12, or don't hold any relevant qualifications, the STAT (Skills for Tertiary Admissions Test) Multiple Choice (MC) may be an option for you to meet course entry requirements.

    Academic requirements

    Current or recent secondary education

    If you’re currently studying Year 12, or completed Year 12 in the last two years, you will need to meet all the following criteria to be considered for admission to this degree:

    Year 12 prerequisite subjects

    • Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 25 in English EAL (English as an Additional Language) or at least 20 in English other than EAL


    • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education with an unadjusted ATAR of at least 50 or equivalent

    Higher education

    If you have undertaken higher education studies after secondary schooling, you will need to meet all the following criteria to be considered for admission to this degree:

    • successful completion of at least two bachelor level or above units (AQF Level 7 or equivalent)

    Vocational education

    If you have undertaken any Vocational Education and Training (VET) study after secondary school, you will need to meet at least one of following criteria to be considered for admission to this degree:

    • completion of a certificate IV or higher in a related discipline
    • completion of a diploma or higher in any discipline
    • at least 50% completion of a diploma or higher in a related discipline

    Work and life experience

    If you finished Year 12 more than three years ago, or did not finish Year 12, and have not undertaken any further study, you may be considered for admission to this degree based on your work, volunteer and/or life experience.

    Submit a personal statement outlining your motivation to study, previous education and employment history, and how this course can assist your career aspirations or progression. Think of it as a job application cover letter – it should be relevant and demonstrate your commitment and interest in this course or study area.

    English language proficiency requirements

    To meet the English language proficiency requirements of this course, you will need to demonstrate at least one of the following:

    • Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) English Units 3 and 4: Study score of 25 in English as an Additional Language (EAL) or 20 in any other English
    • IELTS overall score of 6 (with no band score less than 6.0) or equivalent
    • other evidence of English language proficiency (learn more about other ways to satisfy the requirements)

    Non-academic requirements

    Non-academic requirements

    Students will need to sit the Casper test towards the end of their bachelor degree before beginning the Master of Teaching (Secondary) component.

    Casper is a requirement for many of the initial teacher training courses in Victoria. It is a non-cognitive online test designed to assess an applicant's personal and professional attributes.

    Learn more about Casper.

    Selection adjustments

    Subject adjustment

    A study score of 30 in any English, any Mathematics or any Science equals 2 aggregate points per study. Overall maximum of 12 points.

    Access and equity

    Special entry access schemes (SEAS) enable Deakin to consider disadvantaged circumstances you may have experienced and the impact upon your studies. SEAS also allows us to identify if you’re from under-represented groups when making selection decisions for some courses. SEAS does not exempt you from meeting any of the course entry requirements. Learn more about Deakin’s special entry access schemes.

    Admissions information

    Learn more about Deakin courses and how we compare to other universities when it comes to the quality of our teaching and learning. We're also committed to admissions transparency. Read about our first intake of 2024 students (PDF, 793KB) – their average ATARs, whether they had any previous higher education experience and more.

    Not sure if you can get into Deakin? Discover the different entry pathways we offer and study options available to you, no matter your ATAR or education history.

    Admissions information

    Applicant indicator profile report of all applicants applying to Deakin University Undergraduate Teaching courses in Trimester 1, 2024.

    Recognition of prior learning

    The University aims to provide students with as much credit as possible for approved prior study or informal learning which exceeds the normal entrance requirements for the course and is within the constraints of the course regulations. Students are required to complete a minimum of one-third of the course at Deakin University, or four credit points, whichever is the greater. In the case of certificates, including graduate certificates, a minimum of two credit points within the course must be completed at Deakin.

    Credit for prior learning is not available for any work experience whether paid or unpaid, qualified or unqualified teacher or teacher aide against the academic professional experience units. 

    You can also refer to the recognition of prior learning (RPL) system which outlines the credit that may be granted towards a Deakin University degree and how to apply for credit.

    Fees and scholarships

    Fee information

    Estimated tuition fee - (CSP)?
    $8,477 for 1 yr full-time - Commonwealth Supported Place (HECS)
    Learn more about fees.

    The tuition fees you pay will depend on the units you choose, as each unit has its own cost. The 'Estimated tuition fee' is provided as a guide only and represents the typical first-year tuition fees for students enrolled in this course. The cost will vary depending on the units you choose, your study load, the time it takes to complete your course and any approved Recognition of prior learning you have.

    Each unit you enrol in has a credit point value. The 'Estimated tuition fee' is calculated by adding together 8 credit points of a typical combination of units for this course. Eight credit points is used as it represents a typical full-time enrolment load for a year. You can find the credit point value of each unit under the Unit Description by searching for the unit in the handbook.

    Learn more about fees and available payment options on our Current students fees website.

    Commonwealth Prac Payment

    From 1 July 2025, the Australian Government is intending to introduce the Commonwealth Prac Payment (CPP) to assist eligible students with costs related to mandatory placements in higher education courses for teaching, nursing, midwifery and social work.

    Scholarship options

    A Deakin scholarship might change your life. If you've got something special to offer Deakin – or you just need the financial help to get you here – we may have a scholarship opportunity for you.

    Search or browse through our scholarships

    Victorian Government education scholarship

    You may be eligible to receive up to $18,000 as part of the support provided by the Victorian government to become a secondary teacher. Visit for details.

    Victorian Government placement grants

    Grants ($140 - $420 per day) are available to support completing a teaching placement in an eligible regional or remote Victorian government school. Visit the Victorian Government Pre-service Teacher Placement Grant program.

    Apply now

    Apply through VTAC

    Applications through VTAC are closed, but you can still reorder courses on your preference list – if you need to. Click on the ‘change my preference’ button to submit your changes.

    Apply directly to Deakin

    Applications for Trimester 1, 2025 are open.

    To apply, create an account in the Deakin Application Portal, enter your personal details and education experience, upload supporting documents and submit. Need help? Play this video, or contact one of our friendly future student advisers on 1800 693 888 or submit an online enquiry.

    Download the course flyer
    Kickstart your career growth. We'll prepare you for the career you've always wanted. (PDF, 211.8KB)


    View pathways into the Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary) with our pathways finder.

    Contact information

    Our friendly advisers are available to speak to you one-on-one about your study options, support services and how we can help you further your career.


    Want a degree that’s more than just a qualification? Our industry connections, world-class facilities and practical approach to learning are just some of the reasons why Deakin students graduate confident and ready to thrive in the jobs of tomorrow.

    #11 in the world for education and educational research*

    Top 1% of universities worldwide^

    Accredited by the Victorian Institute of Teaching

    #1 university in Victoria for student satisfaction*

    Career outcomes

    As a graduate of the Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary), you will be qualified to teach in secondary schools within Victoria, in the private, independent or public education sectors. Your specialisations and advanced knowledge will also open doors to roles in:

    • community services
    • government agencies
    • not-for-profit organisations.

    For more information go to DeakinTALENT.

    Professional recognition

    This course is accredited by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT) as a nationally accredited course and students are eligible to apply for registration with VIT upon graduation. If you intend to apply for registration in Victoria or interstate you may be required to provide further information. Applicants are advised to check the registration requirements in their state or territory, carefully.

    Course learning outcomes

    Deakin's graduate learning outcomes describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates can demonstrate at the completion of their course. These outcomes mean that regardless of the Deakin course you undertake, you can rest assured your degree will teach you the skills and professional attributes that employers value. They'll set you up to learn and work effectively in the future.

    Please refer to the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) of each of the single degrees.

    *Deakin references data from a range of government, higher education and reputable media sources. For more information, visit our list of sources.
    ^ARWU Rankings 2022