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Student conduct

We expect our students to act in accordance with Deakin Values and the Student Code of Conduct and to refrain from any behaviours defined as misconduct in the Vice-Chancellor Regulations.

The Student Conduct team in the Office of the Dean of Students works with staff and students around allegations of student misconduct at Deakin. You can contact us at any time to have an informal conversation about something you have experienced or seen – this can be before proceeding with any formal allegation.

If another student is using language which you find disrespectful, or which is not aligned with Deakin’s Student Code of Conduct, you are able to make them aware that you don’t find their behaviour appropriate and wish them to stop.

If you experience or witness more serious inappropriate behaviour by another student, you can make a report to Student Conduct. Any information or statements you provide can be de-identified so that your identity remains anonymous. You are also able to make report on behalf of another student if required.

After a report has been made, the Student Conduct team looks at the evidence and then makes a decision regarding dealing with the alleged misconduct.

For further advice please email us at studentconduct@deakin.edu.au.

If you feel unsafe or threatened because of the way someone at Deakin is behaving, please contact a Campus Support Officer on 1800 062 579 for immediate assistance.

If you don't require immediate assistance, please contact Safer Community our free and confidential support service for anyone who is experiencing threatening, inappropriate or uncomfortable behaviour.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Office of the Dean of Students