Special consideration
If circumstances beyond your control will prevent you from attending a test, placement, practicum or similar, or from submitting an assignment by the due date, you should speak to your Unit Chair as soon as you become aware of the problem.
Apply for Special Consideration via StudentConnect within 3 university working days after the due date, ensuring that you attach relevant documentary evidence.
Important information about applying for special consideration
- Applying for special consideration does not automatically guarantee that it will be granted. Special consideration will be granted based on your eligibility and approval.
- You should continue working on your assessment task while the outcome is pending, and submit it as soon as possible.
- A separate application must be submitted for each individual assessment item requiring special consideration.
- Consideration in marking is not an outcome of special consideration.
- Documentary evidence must be provided to support your application. Click on 'Documentary evidence' below for more information. If you are unable to obtain the relevant documentation to support your application for special consideration due to exceptional circumstances, please contact consid-dsa@deakin.edu.au for assistance with exams and Student Central for assistance with mid-trimester assessment tasks.
- Students accessing NIKERII Student Support services may use this as evidence for additional reasonable adjustments of an extensions between 7 and up to 14 calendar days.
- If you have technical difficulties that cannot be resolved in the time available for you to complete an assessment task, you must lodge an IT Help support ticket and include the ticket number when you apply for special consideration. This applies for both exams and within-trimester assessment tasks.
If longer term conditions or circumstances are affecting your performance, please refer to 'Long term difficulties' below for more information.
View the allowable grounds with acceptable and unacceptable reasons
Special consideration and EoUA/exams
- Apply via StudentConnect within 3 university working days after the due date of your exam/final assessment, ensuring that you attach relevant documentary evidence.
- If special consideration is granted, after you have attempted the initial exam/assessment task, the initial task will not be marked.
- Where special consideration is granted, your unit result will be recorded as 'RIE' (outcome 3) or 'RIA' (outcome 4) until the final result is released following the marking of your special consideration assessment task or special examination.
- Documentary evidence to support your application must be current. It is recommended that documentation provided in support of applications on medical grounds include a consultation date on the day of, or the day following the exam or final assessment due date. Back-dated medical certificates will not normally be accepted.
Further advice
If you're having trouble or need further assistance with applying for special consideration, contact Student Central.
If your special consideration application is related to sexual harm or a traumatic experience, please contact Safer Community for support and advice.