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Harassment and Discrimination Contact Officers

Harassment Discrimination Contact Officers (HDCO) are trained staff who assist with enquiries related to discrimination, harassment or bullying.

There are many HDCOs across the University, available to provide confidential information and support for a diverse range of concerns.

HDCO Support

A variety of issues, complaints and grievances may arise in a working and learning environment. Deakin seeks to foster a culture that enables you to raise any concerns you may have in order to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members of our University community.

HDCOs volunteer and are trained to provide confidential information and support with concerns relating to discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification and victimisation. They inform you about your options to raise and resolve a concern, and the relevant policies and supports available to you. HDCOs can attend meetings in the capacity of a support person. They are available to support you if you wish to raise a concern, and also anyone who has had a complaint made against them.

HDCOs maintain confidentiality in strict accordance with the University’s privacy policy. They will not advocate for individuals or take action to resolve a complaint. Instead, their role is to offer options and referrals that assist you to determine the steps you wish to take in response to an issue of concern.

Benefits of HDCOs

Prior to being appointed to the role, HDCOs must show that they have:

  • a commitment to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and diversity principles
  • the ability to liaise effectively with people at all levels of the organisation whilst acting discreetly, objectively, impartially and maintaining confidentiality
  • the capacity to be accessible when required

What will a HDCO do?

We recognise the courage it can take to raise a complaint. We also recognise the difficulty experienced by someone who has had a complaint made against them. HDCOs help ensure that each person’s voice is heard and taken seriously.

HDCOs are in close contact with all areas of the University. They understand many of the local issues that affect the University community, as well as Deakin’s policy framework that applies in situations relating to discrimination, harassment and bullying.

You can also raise your concerns confidentially with a HDCO, before choosing whether to progress with any further action.

Accessing a HDCO

You can select any HDCO from the network list and contact them by email or phone. You are welcome to choose a HDCO from your immediate work or study area. Alternatively, you can select a HDCO who is further removed from your area if you prefer.

You can also request a referral to a particular HDCO by contacting the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator, Mediation and Complaints.

More information

If you would like to know more about the role of HDCOs, contact:

Manager, Safer Community and Complaints (03) 5227 3589

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator, Mediation and Complaints (03) 5227 8998

or email eeo@deakin.edu.au.

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Page custodian: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion