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Online unit timetable

We’re introducing a new way of accessing information about scheduled learning activities for online units in advance of the unit site being available.

While studying online provides the flexibility of not needing to be in a class at a particular time, many online students like the option to join in scheduled learning activities if offered. Having timetable information available to you before trimester starts, will help you plan home, work and study commitments.

Not all online units have this information available ahead of the unit site opening at the start of trimester, but where it is available, you can find it in the online timetable.

How to search for your unit in the online timetable

Visit the online timetable.

  • Enter the upcoming teaching period
  • Enter your unit code
  • You’ll find the information provided by the teaching team for the unit. If your unit doesn’t appear, your timetabling information will be available in your unit site, one week prior to the start of trimester.

If you are studying both online and on-campus units, you'll find your timetable information for your on-campus units in STAR as normal.

Are these units the same as Cloud Campus units?

Yes, Cloud Campus is now referred to as 'online'. You can read more about these changes in our DeakinLife blog article.

If you have any questions, please contact Student Central and a student adviser will assist you.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Student Services