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Support for autistic students with Navigate

Deakin's Navigate program pairs experienced and friendly student mentors with autistic students to support their transition to studying at Deakin.

When you join the program, your mentor will meet with you on campus for at least 30 minutes, once a week, for your first trimester. In your second trimester you will have the opportunity to continue meeting with your mentor and/or other Navigate mentors via group sessions.

Your mentor is a student just like you, so they’ll be able to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have about your experience at Deakin, such as:

  • using DeakinSync and other online tools
  • finding classrooms and lecture theatres
  • using the library, both on campus and online
  • writing and submitting assignments
  • linking you to study support resources
  • getting information about Deakin clubs and societies
  • using your student card
  • or simply needing to see a friendly face around campus!

What if I'm studying as an online student?

Navigate is available to both on-campus and online students. Alternative meeting platforms, such as Zoom, are available for online/remotely based students.

I’m not a new student at Deakin – can I still participate?

Navigate is available to both newly enrolled students and students who may have been at Deakin for some time. Our coordinators are very happy to have a chat with you about how Navigate may support you.

How to get involved

If you would like some more information about the Navigate program, please email navigate@deakin.edu.au and one of our coordinators will make contact with you.

Last updated:
Page custodian: Student Services