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Release guidelines

Read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your application for release.

Under the National Code 2018, education providers are restricted from enrolling transferring students prior to the student completing six calendar months of their principal course. The principal course is one for which a student visa has been issued as the highest level of study in their package of courses. If you have completed six calendar months in your principal course at Deakin, you do not need to apply for a release and can apply to discontinue in StudentConnect.

Please note: intermission (break from studies) is not counted towards the six calendar months calculation.

Submit your release application to int.release.refund@deakin.edu.au.

Important information

During this period, students are not required to attend a face-to-face interview with a compliance officer or obtain a compliance officer signature on the release form.

The application form must be typed, not handwritten.

  1. It may take up to 10 working days to assess your application form. If you submit an incomplete application, you will be asked to submit all required documents before we can commence assessment. You are required to submit the following documents with your application:
    • an offer letter from the new provider, valid for at least working 10 days from the date you submit your release application
    • evidence of compassionate or compelling circumstances
    • if you are under the age of 18 years, you must include written confirmation from your parent or legal guardian to support the transfer. The receiving provider must acknowledge to accept responsibility to approve your accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements
    • if you are a government-sponsored student, you must provide written support from your sponsor agreeing to the transfer
    • if applicable, evidence of failure to meet academic course progress. For example, reporting by Deakin College for unsatisfactory academic progress (O) or evidence from other pathway providers
    • transcript from your pathway provider (if you are a Deakin College student you can print a transcript from your student portal).
  2. The outcome of your application will be sent to the email address you provided in your application. If a release is refused, the outcome email will outline the reason(s) for refusal and the appeals procedure.
  3. Lodging an application for release and receiving an outcome (approval or rejection) will be granted at no cost to you.
  4. If successful, you must contact the Department of Home Affairs to seek advice on whether a new student visa is required and visit the Department of Home Affairs website to consider whether a change in enrolment breaches your visa condition.
  5. You must maintain a valid enrolment while your release application is being assessed. This includes re-enrolling in subsequent study periods. You are advised not to accept an offer at another institution, enrol or pay fees until Deakin has issued a release.
  6. A release approval does not discontinue your enrolment at Deakin. Upon receipt of your release approval, it is your responsibility to complete the required documentation to discontinue from your course if you wish to accept an offer at another institution.
  7. A release approval does not guarantee a refund of tuition fees. This is a separate process and Deakin’s tuition fee refund policy  should be considered prior to lodging your application.
  8. If your student agreement includes a course offered by Deakin College or other pathway provider, you will be required to also apply for a release from the pathway provider if you have not completed six calendar months of the pathway course.

Acceptable reasons for release

The following criteria are the only circumstances in which Deakin will grant a release before the completion of the first six months of your course.

  1. Deakin’s CRICOS registration has been suspended, or an ESOS agency sanction on Deakin prevents you from continuing your study, or Deakin fails to deliver the course as outlined in the student agreement.
  2. Your enrolment in a Deakin course or pathway course is reported via PRISMS for unsatisfactory progress or attendance, even after actively participating in an intervention strategy.
  3. Your government sponsor deems that the transfer is in your best interests and has provided written support for the change.
  4. There are grounds and evidence for compassionate and/or compelling circumstances.
  5. Deakin fails to deliver the course as outlined in the written agreement.
  6. There is evidence that your reasonable expectations about your course have not been met.
  7. There is evidence that you were misled by Deakin or an education or migration agent about Deakin or the course and the course is not suitable to meet your needs and/or study objectives.
  8. You are under 18 years old and present a valid offer from a receiving institution (which also acknowledges the responsibility to provide accommodation, support, and general welfare) and you provide written evidence of parent/guardian support for the transfer.
  9. An appeal (internal or external) on another matter results in a decision or recommendation to release you.
  10. Your pathway provider has indicated you have not met academic progress requirements.

Compassionate and/or compelling circumstances are defined as a sudden change of circumstances, beyond your control, that impacts on plans for on-campus study in Australia. Such circumstances must be supported by documentary evidence. Where circumstances include illness, this must be supported by substantial medical evidence.

Non-acceptable reasons for release

Please note the following circumstances will not generally be considered compassionate or compelling circumstances:

  1. Lack of understanding of Deakin transfer between registered providers guidelines, tuition gee and refund policies or enrolment procedures.
  2. Lack of understanding of Deakin’s course content or campus.
  3. A desire to change to a new course with lower fees, shorter duration, to be closer to family and friends, or in consideration to be eligible for a future visa or residency.
  4. Not being able to find/secure accommodation.
  5. Where your CoE has already been cancelled for non-commencement of study or for an inactive enrolment status.
  6. Failure to meet your student visa conditions, including your obligation to ensure you have sufficient financial capacity to fund your study and living costs.
  7. Failure to actively participate in intervention strategies, transition, or support services available at Deakin and make a genuine effort to be successful in your academic studies.
  8. If the course you intend to undertake with the new provider is not the same Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level as, or at a higher level than, the registered principal course for which you were granted a student visa.
  9. Where the commencement date of the new offer has passed and there is no written approval by the new provider for a late enrolment with a specific date.

Appeals against a decision

You have the right to appeal a decision by the University. This includes a decision not to grant a letter of release.

If a release letter is not granted, you have two options. You can lodge a new application for a release, or you can lodge an appeal. Appeals against a decision not to grant a letter of release are considered by an independent person who was not involved in the original decision.

You can appeal a decision not to grant a release by emailing di-release-appeals@deakin.edu.au within 20 working days of the date on the release outcome letter.

Refund of fees

If you wish to apply for both a release and refund, our recommendation is that you should lodge your release application first, wait for a response and only submit your refund application after you have received a release outcome letter. The release outcome letter will provide you with details of the refund form and how to apply. Please check the withdraw and refund dates before applying for refund to consider and find out whether or not you’re eligible for a refund. Refund request will be processed within 28 days upon receiving your completed application.

If you are a current or pass (discontinued student) Deakin University student and believe you are eligible for a refund and, you will need to apply directly to the Student Finance team. Please visit the relevant webpage below for the refund policy and refund process:

If you are not yet enrolled in your Deakin University award course (includes pathway packaged students) and you have applied for a release, we recommend you wait for the outcome of your release application before applying for a refund. If you are only applying for a refund, you can complete the Application for refund and submit this application along with your supporting documents and passport to int.release.refund@deakin.edu.au. Please ensure you read the application carefully before submitting.

On receipt of a complete refund application form to the email provided on the refund application form, your refund request will be forwarded to the Deakin International Finance Office. Any questions regarding your refund should be directed to the Deakin International Finance Office at direfund@deakin.edu.au

Privacy statement

The University treats personal information held by it in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Please see information about the University's information privacy policy or contact Deakin’s Privacy team at privacy@deakin.edu.au.

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Our student advisers are here to help you with course advice, enrolment and general enquiries.