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Preparation of literature review

Typically the initial stages of an HDR are spent conducting a review of the relevant literature which then forms the basis of the conceptual chapters of the thesis. The following information is designed to help you prepare this document.

Searching the literature

Deakin Library, provides a basic overview of database searching in terms of both search tips and also technical information on how to access different databases. It also contains information on inter-library loans. Articles and books not available online can be requested from other libraries via the inter-library loans service.

The library website also contains a 'My Library' section where you can login and renew your loans online.

Using Endnote

Endnote is a tool for managing articles you use during your HDR. It can maintain a library of your references which can be integrated into your thesis document saving a substantial amount of time in terms of referencing and formatting. Endnote can be downloaded from the Deakin software library.

Video tutorials describing how to use Endnote can be accessed via the following link – http://deakin.libguides.com/endnote.

Writing a literature review

The Deakin Library has produced a guide outlining what a literature review is, along with some useful resources to help along the way.

Learn how to approach your literature review

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Page custodian: Faculty of Health