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Work Integrated Learning

Undertake a professional work experience placement as part of your degree and kickstart your future career.

Work Integrated Learning

Exploring Work Integrated Learning

Learn how a SEBE WIL program can provide you with invaluable hands-on experience and industry connections.

Need some guidance?

Join our online drop-in session every Wednesday at 2–3pm (AEST).
Use Zoom passcode: 28597926

Join the online session via Zoom

Phone consultations

15-minute phone consultations will be back in due course.

Check back here regularly for updates.

Become an industry partner

We’re always looking for organisations to partner with Deakin through a range of student placements. Industry partnerships offer students a valuable opportunity to learn directly from seasoned professionals. By offering these placements, you will not only contribute to the growth and development of aspiring students, but also forge a sustainable brand identity and establish a robust talent pipeline for your organisation.

If you’re interested in shaping and nurturing the next generation of talent, we’d love to hear from you.

Find out more about partnering with Deakin.

Contact us

For more information about the program, please email us.