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Review of results

After results are released, you may apply for a review of results, including assessment in any part of the unit.

Review of results

Reviews of assessment marking or final unit grades

Where you believe that your assessment marks have been calculated incorrectly, have not been marked in accordance with the marking criteria, or that there has been a misapplication of other relevant University policies or procedures, you may request a review of assessment marking during the trimester or a Review of Result at the end of trimester. (This process is detailed in Deakin’s Assessment (Higher Education Courses) procedure clauses 90-100).

Review of assessment marking (during the study period)

During the study period, you may request that your unit chair checks whether your mark for an individual assessment task is correct and/or you may request a re-mark of an individual assessment task.

To submit an application:

  • You must email the unit chair within 10 University working days of the release of the assessment mark
  • Where you are requesting a re-mark, you must provide evidence (see below) that the assessment was not initially marked in accordance with the marking criteria
  • If a re-mark is approved it is be conducted as described in Clause 93 of the Assessment (Higher Education Courses) procedure.

Review of results (end of the study period)

Following the official release of results at the end of a study period, you may apply to the Faculty Academic Progress Committee (FAPC) for a review of your overall result for a unit, including assessment in any part of the unit. There are two types of reviews of results:

  • Administrative review: To check all assignment and (if applicable) end-of-unit assessment or exam marks have been included and calculated correctly
  • Academic review: Where you can provide evidence that work was not marked in accordance with the marking criteria or that there was a misapplication of other relevant University policies or procedures. You can’t request a review of result on the grounds that your work was not marked in accordance with the marking criteria if you have already asked for a review of assessment marking during the study period and have had you work re-marked through that process, OR if you have an overall unit mark of between 44-49%, because in that instance your assessment tasks have already been double marked.

To submit an application:

  • Complete the online application form within 5 University working days of your unit result being released
  • Where you are applying for an academic review, you must provide evidence (see below) that your work was not marked in accordance with the marking criteria or that there was a misapplication of other relevant University policies or procedures

Review of results (end of study period) FAQs

  • When will I receive my outcome? Due to the complexity of requests for reviews of results, we can’t tell you exactly when you’ll receive an outcome from your Faculty Academic Progress Committee, but it will be as soon as practicable after you submit your request. You should proceed with your enrolment based on your currently published results until you receive an outcome.
  • Can I get feedback on my academic performance using the review of results process? The review of results process is not about providing unit and/or assessment task feedback. You may contact your unit chair to request specific feedback.
  • I only have 1 unit left to complete – can I get a review of result? If you only have 1 unit left to complete your course and your result falls between 40-49 you may be eligible for Final unit to complete (FUTC). You need to submit your applications for FUTC within 5 University working days of your result being released.
  • I’ve completed a group assessment in one of my units.  What happens if I request a review of result on the basis of this group assessment task? In the case of group assessment tasks, all students' results are reviewed (regardless of whether one or all members of the group apply) and, where appropriate, students' results are reviewed individually.
  • Will my result change? Where an error has been found as part of an administrative review or where an academic review has been granted, your final result for the unit may be higher or lower than the original result.
  • Is there an appeal process if I am unhappy with the outcome? The outcome of an end of study period review of results is final and there is no opportunity to appeal.
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