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Rule breaches and invalid units

Understanding rule breaches and invalid units ensures you manage your course enrolment and achieve your study success.

Rule breaches and invalid units

Invalid units

After unit results are released, units can become invalid as a consequence of a fail grade. For example, a unit you failed, may be a pre-requisite for another you are enrolled in, therefore it will be invalidated. The University will identify these invalid units and notify students. However, it is important you check your enrolment regularly. In StudentConnect, an invalidated unit displays a status of invalid.

An invalid unit means you are ineligible to enrol in the unit in question, therefore you will be taken out of the unit, and you should seek guidance from a Student Adviser, in case this has an impact on your progress and/or course rules.

To delete an invalid unit in StudentConnect

If you have an invalid unit, you can tick the 'Delete' box against the unit which is showing as invalid in StudentConnect. Then click NEXT and FINALISE ENROLMENT to remove it.

Rule breaches

A 'rule breach' occurs when you do not meet the course and/or unit rules. When you attempt to enrol in a unit/s that you are not eligible for, a pop-up box will appear and the unit details will appear in orange on the unit selection page of StudentConnect.

How does a rule breach affect my enrolment?

If a rule breach message appears when you are trying to enrol in a unit, you will not be able to enrol in that unit. You must resolve the rule breach before you can continue with your enrolment. You may need to select an alternate unit. Rule breach messages can be complicated. If you are having trouble making sense of your rule breach message or believe you are eligible to enrol in the unit, refer to the Rule breach codes below, or contact a Student Adviser in Student Central with the exact wording of the message.

Need help?

Our student advisers are here to help you with course advice, enrolment and general enquiries.