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Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) consultation process


The SSAF legislation requires the University to have a formal process of consultation with democratically elected student representatives and representatives from major student organisations regarding the specific uses of proceeds from the SSAF. The following form of consultation was endorsed by University Council (as required by legislation).

Process for general and SSAF specific consultation with students

1. Deakin University Student Association (DUSA)

Deakin University recognises the DUSA as the representative voice of the student body. The University will consult with the elected representatives of DUSA on matters generally pertaining to the interests of students and specifically on the uses of SSAF revenue through the following mechanisms:

  • Attendance and participation in the University senior management group meetings.
  • Regular, scheduled meetings with the Vice-Chancellor (or delegate) and senior staff.
  • Meetings to specifically discuss the use of SSAF proceeds.
  • Extraordinary meetings.
  • Receipt and consideration of reports or submissions from DUSA.
  • Requests to DUSA for opinion and comment.

2. Student representatives on decision-making bodies

The University will consult with student representatives on decision making bodies (i.e. University council, academic board, and faculty boards) on use of SSAF revenue. Students may also be consulted on specific matters pertaining to the interests of students.

3. The student body

The University will consult broadly with the student body on the use of proceeds of SSAF via general invitation to comment via the web, social media and related mediums.

From time to time, the University may consult with the student body on matters generally pertaining to the interests of students via:

  • Surveys.
  • General invitation to comment via the web, social media and related mediums.
  • Faculty, school or discipline-based student groups.

4. SSAF consultation

When consulting with students and student representatives on the use of SSAF revenue, the University will provide the:

  • purpose of the SSAF
  • amount of revenue anticipated
  • proposed uses or priorities for use of SSAF revenue.

How to provide feedback

The consultation period has now ended for 2025 feedback and project submissions.

If you have any questions regarding SSAF, please contact Executive Director of Diversity and Inclusion

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