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Domestic student non-award tuition fees

Deakin charges full fees for single-unit/non-award enrolments. The cost of each unit depends on the government-classified area of study to which the unit belongs.

The University does not receive any government funding and students enrolled in these units contribute the full cost of their unit. The tables listed below are for domestic students only.

Undergraduate non-award fees

Postgraduate non-award fees

Estimate your tuition fees

While the tables above provide a guide, you can also search for an individual units tuition fee through our fee estimator.

Financial assistance

Single-unit students aren not eligible for university loans, financial assistance from Centrelink, grants, HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP (except bridging training for overseas trained professionals who may be eligible for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP).

You'll be expected to meet all costs associated with the fees for single units.

Seek course advice

We recommend you get course advice about unit planning before applying. Student advisers at Student Central can guide you on subject choices and provide details on unit load and sequencing.

More information

Need help?

Our student advisers are here to help you with course advice, enrolment and general enquiries.